
Yeah as someone who sank a few hours into being a tribunal judge, I can say that the system works pretty well. It lacks the ability to view replays, which is a little frustrating, but the majority of the time you can get sufficient information from the scoring system and the chat logs. It can be pretty ineffective in

Go deep enough into a vagina and you'll hit the cervical os, which is more of an Eye of Sauron kind of thing than a Balrog.

"the late 1990s - truly the salad days of creepy science."

I wish it was free when I spent 6 months playing it.

That is a start, though it'd still be kind of close. The general problem is just that the game isn't geared to protracted fights in which health whittles away. Unless this new class has *enormous* mitigation (like >90%) from enemies (and friendly fire too!), it just isn't going to fit in well with the way the game

I think he's going to have some huge issues without rebalancing of end-game content. The game was pretty easy up until the very end of the first playthrough, and at that point they ramp up the damage that enemies do so that the tougher ones in TVHM and especially UVHM will knock out your shields, and half of your

I really enjoyed my time with 5, and its still modern enough that the graphics are decent and you won't have to deal with some of the shock that can come along with digging up very old games (that were great for their time, but when you compare them to a modern title you realize how dated some aspects are).

I'm spending too much time at work. My first thought on reading the title was 'oh crap you have breast cancer and are getting a double mastectomy'.

On the other hand I had *only* seen it as shake my head... but if we're going for definitions beyond first couple, I strongly prefer page 10:

Yea I'm willing to allow a little give there due to the fact that definitions and emotions behind use might vary between individuals. I personally get a sense of whimsy/confusion from SMH, rather than disgust. But others might get disgust, rather than bewilderment... and maybe thats the majority opinion for the

I'm in the same boat... but maybe its because I never caught on to the SMH idiom. Is its connotation specifically disapproving and negative? My first reaction to the term is that it implies confusion. It even comes across as a bit lighthearted.

At first I was thinking how much fun it would be to try to convince John Nash to fly into town and take the test with you. Then I realized how amazing it would be in the scenario of the single test question. It would give him the freedom to just expound on a single idea for 45 minutes or so, and you could spend the

I mean, how could you take away anything but that from it... right?

Not just some, many! This falls into a special zone though, because the majority of cases of prostate cancer are so minor that they are effectively controlled without surgery. It quickly becomes a very muddy issue... Do you take the 95% cure-chance that comes with a 50% side-effect chance, or do you take the 85%

And I appreciate the education! The etymology nerd in me is delighted to see that it originates from the idea that someone wearing shoes with rounded heels would be easy to push over, and might easily find themselves in the horizontal position.

Round-heeled? Huh, if someone told me that and I didn't have quick access to google, I would assume that somehow the conversation deviated into footwear and gait characteristics. It would be extra confusing if it were to come up with a woman I'd just started talking to at a bar.

I believe in you!

Millions of other people hold the opinion that McDonald's is great food too.

I really appreciated this. I lived under a similar situation for a year. The couple enjoyed getting their moisture-style touches on at 6am... on the weekends. I would wake up from the most overtly erotic dream, and my conscious would slowly realize that it was because of what I was hearing occur ~9 feet over my head.