
Sean Bean and Aaron Eckhart laugh at your foolish 'science'. (trying to post their comparison shot just gave me a big broken link dammit, so here you go: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/212049…)

That's... a remarkably good way of putting it. Wow!

Thank you. Halfway through reading the above post I stopped and thought 'this information is completely worthless without a map showing the male half of the study'. With both pieces, its actually really interesting (and more than a little shocking).

Fine then, to the original French version!

She's going much too fast... give her a copy of In Search of Lost Time. That'll slow her down!

I think the fact that his last two girlfriends were underage was key. It seems quite possible that younger and less experienced females were less likely to be aware of the fact that the sex was bad.

To be fair, the prior day he tried to put up on the sign:

A fool and money are easily parted.

Now playing

Wearing that T-shirt makes you an immediate target, you'd better watch out for rampaging South Africans.

Where my gerunds at?

Wait, you lust after Reggie Watts? I mean you do know that he likes women, he likes women, he likes the concept of a woman. He likes to take that concept and reduce it to an object. He likes to take those objects and put them in his videos. Have em shake they jiggly bits, so they looks like hoes.

Important things to note: these 'warts' are in no way related to the HPV kind of warts. They are not a (known) cancer risk, and they can also be transmitted by non-sexual means. They're actually a somewhat common infection in children who pick them up just by close contact (daycare, swimming pools, etc) with other

Adam is stressing the importance of averages due to fluctuations like those you mention. The significance of daily (or twice daily) weight measurement isn't to micromanage your weight loss/gain, but rather to average it over time so that you can discount the outlier fluctuations.

That is a bit of a fuzzy statement, because every person's body and personal circumstances are different. In general, you don't want to drop below a certain percentage of body fat because fat is a component of the human body that is necessary for proper physiological function. If you were to drop to 0% body fat (or

Although its gist was only tangentially related to the rest of the article, I thought the line

Negative yes, needless... maybe not so much. A marginally skilled lawyer representing a woman who had a uterine rupture following a VBAC (regardless of the incision technique used for the cesarean) would argue very convincingly that it was a medically negligent (and perhaps even incompetent) decision. Potentially