
“AFTER you wrestle all the hair into a tidy looking bun with sorcery and twine’

I was raised Catholic AND non-denominational evangelical Protestant. I got to feel guilty about everything. Often for doing and not doing the exact same thing. (Grape juice and wine, for instance.)

“It’s not appropriate to wear upper thigh length dresses to church.”

“Men of the Cloth" of every religion and denomination are some of the skeeviest motherfuckers around, almost without exception. What do you expect from conmen who make their living off the backs of the gullible?

OMG I am dead now. Thank you. Hahahahahahaha I needed a little levity with this and here it is, buried in the comments.


Man, this comments section REEKS of Axe body spray and PBR.

#MeToo Movement has turned into a female vengeance machine?

Nobody cares about you.

You motherfuckers scare ME Within 30 seconds of hearing her story you dismissed her as a liar.

Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

Stick your dick in a power outlet

Of course you won’t, you just referred to her as a “crazy lady”. How often do we use that label to dismiss men? Your whole post is filled with gaslighting language, but sure bud.

Oh no, how will they ever replace such a smarmy, self-promoting, phony & unfunny twerp...?

I wish I had that average white lady butt... British tabloids are just grim, especially the Daily Mail. They’ve been so desperate that they already dug up all the boobilicious photos of Meghan from deal or no deal... girl must have either a great relationship with the ex husband or a tight NDA, or they’d have been on

THANK YOU!! I absolutely loved the dress. So classy, and totally balanced by the extravagant veil. Not everything needs to be skin tight.

Meghan Markle has a husband who looks at her like he’s deeply in love. Katy Perry god dumped by Russel Brand.

So beautiful, indeed, AND loaned from the Queen Mother’s personal collection, no less! <3

I agree with every word of your post. Also, pnina tournay gowns are kind of slutty.

That tiara had me squealing my head off! So spectacular!