
I fully understand what you are saying. You just have the same view of time that most other people do. Most people have not really looked at time and thoughts, and how they distort our present reality, however. Most people blindly accept these concepts as reality, but they are not.

I'm not trying to batter anyone into submission. I'm just responding to comments.

If it isn't controllable by their thought, what can they do to overcome it? What's the point of therapy, then? Are they just totally fucked? Where is YOUR compassion? I'm pointing to a way out of suffering that has been used for thousands of years. You're reinforcing the suffering.

These past things with which you are interacting... are you touching them NOW or at some other time? Can you do anything that isn't now? Show me.

How DOES the past exist in the present moment? Thoughts about the past exist, but "the past" is only a concept about a present moment that is no longer here. There is only one present moment - the ever-unfolding now. Every other "time" is NOTHING but thought. It's not semantics to say that - it's 100% true. It's

What did I assume?

Cute! I love the condescending tone in your message! How friendly. Sort of.

No. The past is a collection of thoughts about a previous present moment. You are not that.

I'm not trying to gauge anyone's level of happiness. She is suffering at some points in the present, though.

Cute trick!

Yes! She CAN "flip some sort of switch." In fact, ONLY SHE can flip that switch, and it can be done NOW. It only takes focusing awareness in one place rather than another. That's it. Nothing more. It's a shift in awareness that takes the energy out of thoughts about past pain that causes present suffering. And

How do you know about anyone's level of - or lack of - compassion? Your thoughts are projecting that label. (...and they're not even your thoughts.) I'm just pointing to the truth - nothing more. It wasn't done in a mean way - only factual.

Who you are is much more (and much less) than a collection of thoughts about the past, despite whatever popcorn quotes there are about said past.

Gee. Thanks for your recommendation!

Thoughts have a similar nature as sensations. They arise and pass mostly without you doing anything. They are as real or as unreal as other sensations.

Thoughts about the past exists. The actual past does not.

I'm not saying that it never happened. It was the present moment previously, but it is NOT the present moment now. It doesn't exist. Anywhere. At all. There are only thoughts about the past. There is no actual past. It's only a concept.

Just working through the myriad of comments, but since you are so self-important, I'll feed the pig now. (By the way, there is no real, findable self either.)

You labeled it lying. Not me.

Scars are physical marks on the body in the present moment. They might give you some physical sensation (itching, etc.) or they might not. Thoughts about the scars are different from the actual scars.