
Amusing video! Not terribly pertinent to the fact that a single, depleted 9V battery doesn't have much energy in it, but I did enjoy watching it, though.

I'm not arguing anything. Did you even read my last paragraph? Since you were obviously too lazy to read it, I'll reiterate that I said that I don't know about the whole polarity thing.

JoMo, take a breath, dude!

Generally if you're tossing your batteries, they are depleted. I don't think that I'm going to spend any time worrying about this one.

There's nothing that says that the guy HAS to be the breadwinner. Just that couples who follow the "traditional" model tend to be happier.

I think that the graphic was fine. You don't need to use animals. FFS, someone will probably be offended by THAT, too. Keep doing the good work that you do, and don't let a little cranky criticism change you!

How does the man working lead to an unhappy marriage?

The false construct of my ego is fed by you saying that you found it interesting and well written. Thanks! ;-)

And if you live in the state of California:

Glad to see you back, Tessa.


At least you got the interview! Now go sell yourself to them and get the job offer! If they love you, it won't matter where you live.

"I" can't resist...

Can I just reply with, "go ask your mother"? ;-)

Melanie, thanks for sharing! You're a fantastic writer, and, based on reading many of your articles and comments here, you seem like an enlightened person - quite awake.

The west coast of FL is beautiful now, too. That WAS a hard winter! It was like in the 50's! Brrr. I'm glad it's over! :-)

Dumpster. Life is too short to keep around old computers!

I went to the gym and then did grocery shopping. Both places were totally peaceful for a change!

Awwww...she wants the last word. Aren't you a treat?!

You're sassy. I like you.