The same reason they have believed for 36 years that there are black single mothers in New York who have bought Cadillacs with all that juicy welfare.
The same reason they have believed for 36 years that there are black single mothers in New York who have bought Cadillacs with all that juicy welfare.
When virtually every player on the team (or possibly literally every, I didn’t keep a checklist) says “David Ross is the most important player on this team. He keeps us grounded and steady,” I tend to believe it. Especially when the franchise has been hamstrung by epic collapses over the last, uh, century plus.
Chapman and Zobrist, if you need to find guys to hate. But why would you do that? Baseball is happiness.
Water doesn’t have an expiration date.
On average? Yes, that’s a lot. If 90% of drivers are decent human beings, and 10% are assholes, how badly do the 10% need to screw over women to raise the average 5%? And is that worse than, say, 90% of drivers being jackasses who just dog it a little bit, from time to time, such that women’s rides are 5% longer on…
Think about what you’re saying here. “Have you ever considered that maybe the vast majority of users are wrong and the UI designers are right?” No, can’t say that I have. And reasoning like “it was is [sic] a full-screen start button” is not convincing. How does that make the start button better? How do you square…
+1 +1
I bought a Surface 3. The pen can work well, when the software doesn’t get in the way. The native input works really well, and I’ve found one app with which it works very well. Everything else is laggy and awful, presumably because the API is garbage and the developer community for Windows 10 is on life support.
Pen inputs are also great in any business where you do a lot of hand mark-ups of documents. The legal industry, consulting, a lot of sell-side finance—basically all the industries where iPads are popular business devices right now. Agreed that this computer is overkill for those folks, but the general idea of a…
I would say that the decline goes back farther than that. I can’t think of very much in terms of UI that has improved since Win2000, honestly. Every iteration lards on more “intuitive” nonsense that isn’t and makes ever faster machines run slower and less reliably. When I was a college student, WinME jolted me into…
I’m a business user and laptop convertible to tablet with quality pen input would be huge for me. The problem I have is that Windows 10 remains a steaming pile of dogshit in terms of reliability.
“Feint” of wallet?
Given the style and size of the horns it’s obviously an ibex and not a goat. I don’t understand how people don’t see that though now everything is dark and my eyes sting but I can’t seem to blink what is going
This is Pulitzer-level trolling of a deeply narcissistic fascist. Well done and bravo.
In order to have a legitimate third party you need to abolish and replace “first past the post” voting. Otherwise game theory will punish the side that splits its vote between an incumbent party candidate and a third party candidate. If you want to change that, you must amend the Constitution.
Fair and accurate.
Don’t go getting too fond of him—Nixon was pushed into environmentalism by popular sentiment and a Democratic Congress. He resisted environmentalism where he could without damage. If there had been an organized anti-environmentalism movement, I’m sure he would have been more than happy to champion it, if he saw…
Or maybe the article linked above is correct: a huge consumer demographic is aging out of the cars, and the younger demographics lack the purchasing power to fill the vacuum. Gen-X is too small, and not as financially robust, and the Millennial generation, although more numerous than the Boomers at this point, is…
I am a lawyer and have had Baby Boomer lawyers tell me about their fiscal rectitude—they spent their entire first-year bonus from working at a big firm to pay off their student loans. Entirely.
I’d say “don’t be fooled,” but no less an anti-Nixonian than Hunter S. Thompson said that Nixon was a better president and better human being than George W. Bush, who himself is at least a marginal improvement over a Frankenstein’s monster reincarnation of Francisco Franco made entirely out of rotten apricots.