
A Mustang cost about $6,500 in 1982. Inflation adjusted, that $24,915 car is about $9,500. That’s before the $995 delivery fee (pushing the inflation adjusted cost to about $10,000). Can young people afford cars that are, inflation-adjusted, 150% the cost they used to be? No. Because while cars have gotten

Maybe if he moved somewhere with a lower cost of living he wouldn’t be able to make $80,000 a year because the jobs that will pay him $80,000 a year are located where cost of living is higher because there are jobs in that area where people make $80,000 a year with his qualifications. Every time someone posts about

I speak English and am also able to read.

Just because you haven’t had any alcohol doesn’t mean you’re “sober.” Check out any NA meeting.

Except you’re still a party of racist, economically illiterate science denialists who are ideologically opposed to good government. But yes, if you stopped also trying to make women die on the operating table to avoid aborting non-viable fetuses, made at least some kind of effort to engage on immigration policy and

God bless you guys. May we see a blue Texas in my lifetime.

Not my area, but I’m fairly sure that a failed prosecution is an element of malicious prosecution, so it’s not the kind of thing you could assert in a counterclaim. I can see how that might appear possible, but for some pretty nuts and bolts reasons, I wouldn’t think it is.

Piling on Bill O’Reilly, what could Rose et al possibly get out of such a suit?

It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but yeah, the odds that this is going to be criminally prosecuted at this point are slim. On top of the not-liable verdict, Jane Doe didn’t even report it to the police until after filing her civil suit, which was near the (civil) statute of limitations cutoff to begin with. I’m

So your position is that yuge, classy, believeme and SNNIFFFFFFFF are not all words?

I read recently that there’s not a lot of evidence about the watched/listened dichotomy. It sounds like the kind of thing that sounds right, so people repeat it, but is actually not. The ‘60 election was one of the closest of all time by popular vote, if not by electoral vote, so it wouldn’t surprise me if you could

Pre-Civil Rights Act.

Unions are not a panacea. Some jobs lend themselves to unionization more than others. If a company can shift its operations in a low-cost manner, then its ability to resist unionization is going to be very strong. A lot of IT jobs fit this description—the company can literally shutter the building and have a new

Without looking at the transcript, you can be fairly certain that the term was used in its colloquial sense. The defense has no reason to ask about Doe’s mental health—he’s just using a more respectable term for “big fat liar liar pants on fire.” That said, if intended to be literal (assuming “pathological liar” is

Your list is extremely dumb, but 50 is from fucking Queens, so even by your list, you’re wrong.

Shocking that a really long article with a seemingly dumb premise never even comes close to justifying its dumb premise.

This is the most Shop-Rite possible story. What region of upstate New York was this?

No, it’s pass-through treatment for fund managers on appreciation of capital assets owned by the fund.

“Become insufferable shitheads”? So we aren’t now? SCORE ANOTHER ONE FOR THE LOVABLE LOSERS, THE CUBBIES!

Yeah, but if the Cubs had been a better team that year, and had made it to the series, it would have been the two teams with the longest droughts in baseball facing each other, with only one able to break their curse.