Cubs vs. Red Sox would have been epic in 2004. Now the end of days series is Cubs vs. Indians.
Cubs vs. Red Sox would have been epic in 2004. Now the end of days series is Cubs vs. Indians.
Similar story here. My grandfather was a lifelong Cubs fan and died in 2004 at the age of 93.
Hoping for hell to freeze over is a bit extreme when you could just open a window or something.
There’s no presumption of innocence in civil cases. The plaintiff bears the burden of proof, but that’s it. There’s also no state actor—the plaintiff can tell the press whatever they want, as long as it’s not defamatory. What you’re suggesting is effectively a gag order on both plaintiffs and defendants in addition…
You realize this is not a criminal trial, right?
This is actually a civil suit. Jane Doe didn’t report the rape to the police or file charges until after suing.
It’s not just ahead of his time. If you watch Pryor acts from the ‘60s, you will piss yourself with laughter. The fact that he was doing jokes that would still be funny today fifty, sixty years ago is just icing on the cake.
True story: when I was a kid and bought my first baseball cards, a friend of mine convinced me that the Indians weren’t a real team, and that the baseball cards with Indians players were some kind of inside joke between Tops and Fleer. I believed that for like maybe a year.
Yeah, fuck the Rangers.
Slamming on the brakes is not “braking for the racetrack.” Abrupt applications of throttle and brake are both generally bad technique, unless you’re trying to break adhesion for some reason. Braking should be intentional and smooth and efficiently executed, but you should never be slamming or jabbing the brakes.
“Guring” his reign? Really? Second sentence? You don’t even run spellcheck?
If you’re judging Pryor by his movies, I can see the argument, but you’ve got decades of comedy albums where Pryor is just embarrassing the rest of the field by being so far ahead.
You need more Richard Pryor in your life.
Had a penis, clearly did all he could.
This country had a senator for twelve years—one who survived a vigorous challenge in a presidential election year while deep in the throes of senile dementia to the point where he refused to debate his opponent in person—whose sole qualification for the office was that he had once pitched a perfect game. That’s why…
Crisco is a vegetable. Kind of.
Preeeeeeetty sure it’s spelled “Trumplethinskin.”
Good bet that he’s had headaches on and off for years.
Yeah, I don’t want to traipse up and down the comments explaining depo prep to people, but the idea that showing up “unprepared” to this deposition and then begging off opining on the legal effect of a contract put in front of him makes him a dumb guy is pretty ignorant. Literally nothing in this deposition is…
While responding to a Trumpkin I looked into the inheritance issue, and I think the reasonable conclusion is that while it is almost certainly the case that Trump’s earnings are not spectacular and likely the case that he didn’t beat an index fund, it’s difficult to pin down (i) exactly how much he inherited and when…