
I can see it helping to catch criminals, maybe, but if the mechanism is an accelerometer that is triggered by blows to the head causing movement too sharp to be normal, volitional movement, then I'd say the odds of this thing preventing a single murder are slim to nil. Also, in-keeping with my generally bad view of

That looks like the petrochemical version of Dr. Bronner's.

Aren't the vast majority of attacks on women carried out by men known to them, usually in intimate settings? I mean, I understand that it's scarier for a woman to walk around alone than for a man to (although I think that may be more a result of societal conditioning than any significant improvement in safety by dint

If it moves and it shouldn't, apply duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, apply WD-40.

Came here to post this. Haynes is always the (source for the) answer.

Well, the course basically is parkour, and parkour is kind of a variation of gymnastics, so that makes sense. I'm not sure I've ever seen any compete, but I bet that professional rock climbers would also be enormously successful.

I've written this elsewhere—I am clearly too invested in ninja warrior—but the weight thing is absolutely relevant. Being as strong as she is at that weight is incredible. Being light theoretically helps when she's hanging off things, because she has less weight pulling on her grip, but in practice someone that

I understand what you're saying, but I don't understand the relevance. She's not competing in one of the canonical tests of strength, like O-Lifting, but virtually every challenge here is a test of strength. There are ninja warrior challenges that are tests of balance, like the walking on dominos thing from the

Her weight is an advantage only because she has a fantastic power to weight ratio. If she were 100 lbs and peeling off the obstacles like most of our doughy asses would be, then her weight would clearly be a disadvantage because her lack of muscle would prohibit her from succeeding. Yes, being lighter at a given

"We had lawyers at GM who didn't do their jobs, didn't do what was expected of them," Mr. Millikin said in the statement confirmed late Tuesday by people with knowledge of the remarks. "Those lawyers are no longer with the company."

I don't see that statistic in the linked article. Is it sourced from data collected by the FBI about rapes reported to the police? Because, if so, I would imagine those have at least a marginally higher accuracy rate than, say, anonymous posts on the internet.

Yes, how faggoty of me to read books instead of just writing down the things that talk radio tells me I believe. My discussion of allocative inefficiency stemming from buy-side and sell-side concentrations of market power is definitely "liberal psychobabble."

You realize "lede" is a newspaper jargon misspelling of "lead" that dates only back to the mid-20th century, right? That is, the "correct" form is an intentional misspelling, intended to distinguish "lead" in the sense of the intro/hook of a newspaper article from its homophones.

I can't tell whether you're just a troll or if you're actually mildly fucking retarded.

That's pretty goddamn common.

So your implication here is that the laziness of labor was the the downfall of the USSR, and not massive corruption, an almost monomaniacal focus on militarism, simmering internal tensions that would occasionally break out in armed rebellion as a result of being an ethnically, culturally, linguistically and

What are you using that does that? iPhones are inconsistent, but even they don't change every instance. And, also, you can touch the "corrected" word and it should give you the option to switch it to what you actually typed.

If you really think that money that went into workers' pockets was otherwise heading to engineer a decent car, you're delusional. The unions shot themselves in the foot a few decades back when they agreed to take a lot of their compensation in the form of pensions and health care obligations that proved unsustainably

Leaving aside the reading comprehension, you should print the following out and keep it near your computer until it is second nature: