
I know. I couldn’t imagine being in that situation and on top of it, having to defend myself from an accusation so heinous. But...still...I tend to have a pretty good bullshit meter and have never been accused of jumping to conclusions, and allllll the alarm bells went off around that brother and the ex and the

Yeah. I generally give much leeway in that respect (there’s no ‘right’ reaction to emotional trauma) but...I dunno. He was talking about her as if she were dead before the car was even found. And threw in a ‘oh, and I hope Theresa comes back’ afterthought after going on and on about the grieving process, and losing

Theresa’s family refused to participate as well. I believe it’s mentioned in one of the last episodes.

This just made me physically ill.

Thing is...yeah, they (whatever staff was involved) screwed up. But the DNC overreaction is making them look reeeeeeeeeally shady.

By turning over access to your networks, I suppose. With your own confidential information. That will be 100% safe in the hands of the co-chair of the other candidate’s campaign, promise!

um, WTF?! That is absolute insanity. And makes all of this make so much more sense.

Reading this made me nauseous with how right you are.

I can’t look it up right now, but IIRC the reason it’s relevant is that she’s made disparaging statements about those women in the past? So would make her ‘every victim deserves to be believed’ worthy of being questioned, at least. I could be totally off-base— it’s just why it didn’t immediately hit me as ‘God, having

The simplest explanation: like attracts like.

I hope the bride also learned something here— by sharing what the cousin had said negatively about her now-fiancee, she’s put him in a spot to be uncomfortable around someone she loves. He’s not wrong to be uncomfortable; the cousin isn’t wrong to have shared her concerns; the bride isn’t wrong for having patched

Has it ever been confirmed in any way that Neely in Valley of the Dolls is basically Judy Garland? I know they’re all ‘modeled’ on someone (or a combination of), but the Neely parts to me just seemed to be straight Judy Garland with a name change.

I stopped at “dick docking station”.

The poster says Sunday June 20— but June 20 is a Saturday. Do we believe this is real and a typo? or the fake date is a tip off to a hoax?

This has long been my affection/description of New Yorkers in general. Real, honest-to-God New Yorkers (generally considered 10 years + in the city) are not at all the rude stereotypes. They aren’t warm and fuzzy, nor do they take much shit, but when it comes down to it, they’re the ones grabbing the bottom of a


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