Isaac Marchionna

Thanks for the insight! It is one thing to watch the video and have my mind blown, but it is even cooler to hear it from someone that was actually part of making it all happen. Keep up the good work sir!

That is awesome! Some of those jumps look like they should not be physically possible. I imagine seeing it in person was that much more impressive. And probably at least a wee bit intense. :)

Now I can’t wait for the Block Fiesta VS Baldwin Chevy Gymkhana/Recoil crossover! Give Block a longer track on the street and BJ can cut corners or go totally off-road with the trophy truck!

Has anyone else been fired for assaulting a co-worker and then been celebrated for being an unrepentant prick about it afterward?

I took a G63 around a corner at a reasonable speed (definitely not too fast at all) and I thought I was going to die.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

Or alternately “Thermaltake’s How to Train Your Virgin”

The official shoe of H2Oi:

I see no reason why you shouldn’t.

Can I still find fuel and grease?

*Comes to this thread to find Panthers.*

Now they over exagerated the cant, but that is the proper technique to fire a rifle while wearing a pro-mask.

Psh. Whatever.

I know idiots will never go out of style, but it’s goddamn 2015...hold your phone in landscape, you mouthbreathers!