Isaac Marchionna

Only one truck was used and it didn't break or hiccup once during the shoot.

It was even crazier to see in person. The jump down the giant stairs was crazy to see in person. The entire shoot was just amazing. Everyone involved was a rockstar at their job.

In person you’re just glued to your camera hoping not to miss the action. Trust me it happens so fast if you blink you’ll miss it. I don’t want to stray outside my lane, but BJ is an awesome driver, like heads and tails above even professional film/commercial drivers. I mean the dude drives a 3 ton, nearly 1000hp,

I worked on this shoot, what this truck does is just insane. The noise coming off it was just absurd. It was...GLORIOUS!

I actually worked on these videos. Not cheap but fantastic helmets.

Notice the monitor? It’s because the helicopter was filming the airbus.

Likely there was a gimbal stabilized camera pod attached to the helo.

FJ 40. Done and done.

I guess I’m a pumpkin?

I have the weirdest boner now.

For a second there this ALMOST sounded like a story from Duffel Blog.

A well regulated, non-obese, militia...

Saw/sat on this bike way back in 2010/11 when it was unveiled purely as a design challenge at SHOT SHOW. Magpul knocked one out of the park.

“nap-of-the-earth flying” Hey, don’t fall asleep at the collective.

Just saying.

Plenty of space for a dual battery and air compressor, small kitchen sink, asian family of 4, a half dozen GameCubes, etc.

Because rubber dinghies just don’t cost enough!

Keep on truckin’ with the Truck Yeah! stories. Seriously. Us truck guys need some more articles. Especially overlanding!

TACO Tuesday...but on a monday?!

Came here to make that same comment..was...not...disappointed.

Haters gonna hate hate hate!