I know idiots will never go out of style, but it’s goddamn 2015...hold your phone in landscape, you mouthbreathers!
I know idiots will never go out of style, but it’s goddamn 2015...hold your phone in landscape, you mouthbreathers!
As an owner of one of these TRDs...I love you so much for making that!
I own one of these, and it looks like a pissed off bulldog/pug. I can’t say I hate the look.
It's only douchebro if you have no practical use for them. I'm adding a light bar and rear work lights to a TRD Pro 4Runner for 1. night offroading, 2. because I work in video production where we're often needing worklights to be able to pack or unpack camera gear in remote locations...locations requiring 4x4s to get…
It's better on mute, whub whub whub!
Thanks, it came down to just wanting a package that was 99 percent of what I wanted, rather than buying and upgrading. I'm not going to argue one is better than the other, it's just that it was less work. Now that said, once I get it I'm immediately having a GOBI Rack and light bar installed for work reasons. So I may…
I'm probably about 3-4 weeks out from taking delivery on a 4Runner TRD Pro, and yes, I could have purchased a 4Runner Trail and added a bunch of the stuff on aftermarket, but when dollars to dollars comparisons were made the TRD Pro version looked better, and had everything I wanted. It's a great value in the 4Runner,…
Thank you! Well I now know what I'll be using any post-christmas money towards. Thank you, Peter!
I normally keep the top plate, assault pack, and side ribs. Wouldn't leave much room for the LCD, but I think if I could fit a good 24-70 or 5omm, and a few batteries, it'd be do-able. TIGHT...but doable. /thatswhatshesaid
You can keep a scarlet or epic stripped pretty far down if say you were doing location scouts or really guerilla style. But a backpack might do the trick. How well? Not sure.
Would be interesting to actually see if something like the RED EPIC would fit well in that as a grab and go bag. Especially as an alternative to the Tamron backpacks.
Take that punchline and give it away, give it away, give it away now!
God I hope there's more lens flares in this movie *pleasepleaseplease*
Lack of masturbation would cause anyone to be pissed off and wanting to destroy SUVs.
I used to think fairly low of making montages of other media. However the more I see of Gen Ip's work the more I'm fairly certain her work really transcends from "oh look a fan re-edit, meh" to "this is greater than the sum of it's original parts!" Ultimately this reminds me as a filmgoer why I love the act of making…