
The idea of losing my hair is more terrifying to me than dying from cancer. I'm disgusted with myself for that.

OMG—REALLY? That's one shitty life. The fact that this dude made it out of that is amazing.

That is one of the saddest things I have ever read. The picture alone made me want to cry. I'm now crying in my office. I remember getting the news that my mom had cancer and I'll never forget that feeling—I can't imagine getting to the point this girl did.

I think she's very pretty, esp. when she's not contorting into positions that make her ass look like it was glued on. But good for her. And I lived with a chick who had a full on "fat girl diet"—it was difficult to listen to her talk about how I just had "good genetics" as I was eating well and going to the gym and

I've had 2 LEEPs and I don't remember them being that bad! I've also had the freezing and a whole bunch of other random cervical things done (I have a very unlucky lady system). The IUD itself doesn't hurt, it's the ratcheting your cervix open and the cramping that hurts.

Oh my god I know. I've had 3 IUDs and each insertion and removal has made me want to kick the gyno in the face.

I'm so confused by these idiots. Do they think people who have abortions have never encountered a baby before? And does she miss that Hillary is a grandmother, which means she already had a child?

I despise the comments on articles like these. They are working, they deserve to get paid for that work and reimbursed for expenses. It doesn't matter if you like the work or not. I don't like a lot of people's work, it doesn't mean they shouldn't get paid for it. Just because they could turn the job down doesn't

Why is it that when somebody disagrees with a woman, they go straight to the death and rape threats? I would like to slap these people.

Yeah, I have similar opinions, and it shocks the anti-choice crowd because I'm difficult to back into a corner. I'm 100% pro-choice.

I'm not going to lie—I love Shape and wouldn't open the magazine you are talking about. I see magazines as aspirational rather than realistic, so maybe that's the difference.

It's hard for me to keep weight on too. I have to think about it a lot. I have medical issues that make it hard to eat a lot and stress makes me never want to touch food again. If I was under the stress of people judging my looks all the time it would really be a constant struggle. I feel you, Emma!

What about the customer? I had waitstaff be mean to me once and I want that to be addressed!!

I see it more as—this could happen to someone you know and you should care. I realize you should care about bad things happening to anyone but it hits you harder when it's someone you know. I had a friend of a friend of Facebook say he's never known a woman who has been raped and my friend pointed out that they

Kate Upton REALLY can't act. I guessed she would be bad but I was surprised at how terrible she was.

Everytime I see that I want to clutch myself in sympathy. It looks incredibly painful.

I understand your point. But some of us have been surgically diagnosed. The disease is not in my head and I have to constantly fight those attitudes.

No. When I worked retail, we had a wall of photos of people we had caught shoplifting. We kicked them out if we spotted them, it didn't matter if it made it through the court—we were a private business and had the right to refuse service. We also would kick out people we had gotten fraudulent checks from.

I got hit by one of my mother's boyfriends when I was a teenager. When I called the cops, they told me he said I was lying and that I should quit overreacting. It was eye opening.

If I have kids, I still want to maintain a sexual relationship with my husband and having a bed full of children and calling my vagina my "chichi" would probably impact that pretty strongly. Also, rolling around in my children's body fluids, since they are sleeping in my bed without diapers before being potty