Do guys think that's a sexy line? That you could rip my ass in two? Because it makes my lady parts shrivel.
Do guys think that's a sexy line? That you could rip my ass in two? Because it makes my lady parts shrivel.
People keep saying it went on too long—it wouldn't have been funny in the slightest if it didn't go on for a while!
I was honestly thinking the same thing. In my head, all famous people know each other, but it doesn't seem like Mike Tyson and Joan Rivers probably hang out together.
I was spectacularly afraid of Teddy Ruxpin as a child, which has led to a pathological hatred of animatronics of all sorts. If someone gave me this monstrosity I would light it on fire.
Putin is pretty much a supervillain. I didn't think people like him existed outside of comic books.
When a guy says his relationship is "sort of serious" but is going to on a date with another woman anyway, he's probably married.
He's pretty much the best. It seems like people have SO MUCH FUN on his show so they do weird things and it's fun and different.
This is the best news I've heard all year!
To be fair, I would be upset if a boyfriend was reading shit like ROK.
I want to know more about this Jezebel hacking you spoke of.
Boy, somebody's angry about his GRE.
No, you 100% sold me on Wantable. I want to join a couple more and my BB and Ipsy were particularly good this month so it motivated me.
I wear VS panties—mostly thongs— all the time and I work out a lot.
I'm enjoying the book "The Unlikely Disciple" and wish I knew someone who went to Liberty to talk about it with!
So, Quarterly. I looked up the boxes and they don't like like they have $50 worth of stuff in them. Do they?
Excellent! I didn't mean wantable, I meant quarterly. Quarterly's boxes don't look worth it to me.
RIGHT? I'm a pretty chick but certainly not pretty enough for the obsession that some guys have gotten. Apparently guys get addicted to the free milk.
Man, am I getting old. I don't know who the fuck at least a quarter of these people are. And the Kardashian flowers are ugly. #getoffmylawn
Absolutely. Or spending all that money on the birth mother's expenses just to have her reneg. It's not like you recover the money to try again.
So, tell me more about Wantable. I looked on the website and it doesn't look like the boxes are worth even near $50.