
Did you miss that the entire point in "Tropic Thunder" is that blackface is offensive and that RDJ is a moron? No?

Who the fuck even thinks of wearing blackface? And who are their friends laughing and telling them it's a great idea? I'm not anti-Greek like most of the Jezzies are but this fraternity should be put down like a rabid dog.

I haven't even read the comments yet but I couldn't agree more. It's into flat crazy territory. I've been raped, twice. Both were of the "date rape" variety. There is a huge difference between my experience and getting gang raped. There is a huge difference between my experience and not being able to ask for

I feel so sorry for this family. And the idiots who passes this law should be ashamed of themselves. Are any of the forced-birth people here to explain why this is a good idea?

He was fucking drag racing and had closed down a public street to do so. I don't think this is over the top at all.

Is this where we point out that the same thing happens here? Because that's getting more and more absurd.

I would like him to die, painfully. And all his minions. And the horrible little children that call themselves "the family".

Right. It's not that I think these people shouldn't have more kids one day, if they want them. Just that it might be a good idea to take a break for a while.

One of them got an IUD and then got it removed because she decided she was ready to be pregnant again. With 2 year old twins. One of whom has medical problems.

That's ridiculous, right? To me she looks nearly exactly the same. I wish I photographed that well.

I don't find any of these changes offensive at all. Actually, it's sort of offensive that Jezebel was so convinced Lena couldn't actually look that good without heavy photoshopping.

I don't remember Elton being a rapist. Time for a rewatch?

Also, I like sleeping with guys who haven't had sex with hundreds of people but that's just me.

I was so happy to find another! I suffered through that shit all through the 90's and now it seems to be resurrecting.

Yeah, it's amazing. Guys above about 40 are very pro-bush in my experience (and possibly pro-Bush) and under 25 think women are naturally shaved.

No, come on, in that case it's just role play.

I think it would be a good show for parents to watch with their teens. I remember one episode that was obviously domestic violence (the father forced the mother to get out of his car, on the interstate, with their 3 day old baby twins, and drove away) and thought how important that sort of thing would be to talk

I grew up upper middle class and literally no idea that anyone disagreed with adoption. I wonder if socioeconomic class figures in.

I wish that more people would dismiss comments.