
I googled this fuckstick and one of the first results was about his lacrosse playing.

In a world where Trump is leading in the polls, getting a few people to believe you can contact spirits is nothing to feel smug about.

I have a theory about that statistic and why I think it’s wrong. Perhaps the ones who get caught are the ones that feel most guilty about their behavior and WANT to get caught, so the ones getting caught are less likely to reoffend because they want to be stopped, while the rest of them are less likely to get caught.

That was my thought, what is wrong with that whole family?

Nonono Lilo, no amount of sorries makes it a good idea to go back to abuse.

I have the same reaction to her role in Parks & Recreation.

“Boopie doopie doopie-doop...sex.”

This is no longer funny. This man clearly has a problem.

I didn’t even know there were people who did this. I lock that sonofabitch and if it’s broken I hold my hand against it or something.

You magnificent bastard.

I feel the same sort of guilt about this that I do when small local stores close after I didn’t go there very much. Yes I have issues.

This is the type of person that should be dropped on an island with the rest of his kind so they can treat each other they way they have treated innocent people (and animals) in the past.

The police sought to handcuff him, but Harry allegedly attempted to flee the scene. Unsuccessful, he resorted to the behavior common to most mature adults: kicking, flailing, and hollering, “No! No!” Perhaps Brant’s temper tantrum was inspired by fear of drug charges: the officers found narcotics concealed in his

“...According to judges who weighed in on the decision, upskirting is does not hold up to the rubric that constitutes an invasion of privacy, due to the fact that the act isn’t technically criminalized in the state.”

Is this Rock Ridge? I thought there’d be more bonnets.

How did this idiot pass the bar? I know he didn’t get his certification in a Cracker Jack box because they stopped giving real prizes out.

I must have fallen asleep during part of Sex Ed. Does being sexually active make your vulva grow? *frantically flips through high school textbook*

Can we please get rid of this demonstrably useless and more harmful than good agency now? This bullshit is why I haven’t flown in 15 years.

Perfectly good oxygen is being wasted to fill this idiot’s lungs.

“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.