The paint is brown, the seats are brown, and I’m guessing your pants will be brown when that intermittent CEL finally reveals what is wrong with the wagon. ND.

I’m kind of worried about Raph. All of his articles these days are so negative, it’s like he’s become incredibly unhappy. I used to enjoy them, especially his videos because he seemed to radiate this positivity, but the opposite comes through in his articles now and it’s really off-putting.

Maybe knock a few grand off the car budget and put in a sprinkler system? I know, bit of horse/barn door, but once a Viper owner... 


It’s french. We do that sometimes here.

Someone who genuinely and passionately loves what he does for a living.  His positivity is infectious

1st Gear: Both Hyundai and Kia have substantially stepped up their overall product quality in the past decade, and consumers are finally starting to really notice the improvement.

Just shoot the futures grandmothers a text message. Unceremoniously.

I really can’t believe how unbelievably stupid these have gotten (and mostly were from the beginning). People trying to one up strangers on the internet for quite literally pointless likes/hearts/stars.

Pointless death as a result of one of the more pointless trends of my lifetime.

The Hot Wheels wiki has a page on him with a list of all of his designs.

Vigorous Tugging Results In Happy Ending

No, come back! I’m sure we can all dredge up a few more.

My son seems to like vans the most out of our collective Hot Wheels, so I’m really excited to try and find that Ram Van.

He’s best known for his Japanese cars, but his casting list is incredibly diverse. Some of my favourites:

I was obsessed with Hot Wheels when I was little, but I eventually lost interest as I got older. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I noticed that in the intervening years Hot Wheels had shifted from primarily making a bunch of fictional, cartoony designs that as a kid I never really liked (looking at you

Only knew the name from watching 3D Botmaker. Went and got the Lancia last week. This is a guy who obviously loved what he did.

I never really liked his push towards Hot Wheels just being customized versions of real cars.

But he was damn good at getting them down to 1:64 scale. I remember in the ‘90s how jank cars like the SN-95 Mustang and 4G F-body Camaro looked like in Hot Wheels’ lineup. Asada’s models, especially the as mentioned S2000 and

“Luxury” and “Offroad” means a Land Rover or Range Rover (which are unreliable) or a Lexus GX, which will still be roaming the land after a nuclear apocalypse, so I agree with Lawrence’s suggestion.

I would even add a CPO Grand Cherokee to the mix. While not the most reliable vehicle out there, in certain trims you can