The US inflation rate is actually normal to lower than average and is trending down.


As a fellow Alf enthusiast, I approve this message.

Alf’s card should read “Gordon Shumway.” Alf is like xenomorph (foreign-shape); it could just as easily apply to the whole lineup. 

“Consenting to one thing doesn’t mean you consent to everything” is, like, 101-level and you still managed to fail. 

That’s some Big Dick Energy, right there.

All skyscrapers should replace their spires with these. Imagine the majesty of the Empire State Building with a wobbly dildo top?

Everything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough.

A Goth Club....for adults....all-black dress code.....expensive membership dues.

This I never knew, and maybe not as useless as you think!

Wasn't the first gen the same? SL/SL1 had black bumpers and the SOHC 1.9, while SL2 had DOHC and body colored bumpers.

I contest your premise: there are no useless car facts. Torch would vouch for this in between researching VW taillights.

You forgot to add with the GOP and their billionaires, the Democrats and their billionaires, because both groups are guilty of the same thing. It is not simply one political party. It is both and usually together. The corruption is evenly spread among the two and both contribute to the Swamp in the District of Columbia

Sony put it all into a big launch with big changes and the next gen is BIG.

Honestly, this is one of my favorite console launches in a long time, because it’s the first time where a new console actually feels like the selling point isn’t just “flashy graphics on new games!”

I feel like a lot of the Series’ improvements over last gen are like that: decidedly unsexy, but in terms of general quality of life, actually pretty impressive. Like Microsoft was working overtime to make sure you didn’t really notice the changeover in generations, which is... kind of thankless and boring in terms of

I’ve often wondered why the dems don’t ready a bill to strip all subsidies from the fossil fuel industries and charge them for all the costs they’re externalizing on everyone through pollution, climate change, etc.; wait for the pearl-clutching corporatist republican whores to say “Wah-wah, no subsidies for

Let’s gridlock government and kill it from within...and then “hey look how bad government is, do you really want it taking more of your money?!”

Holy shit Jamie Kitman is in da house!

Wait til Q processes the “Intercommy” connection.