I think the feeling from a lot of the “ho-hum” reviews is that, up to now, most newer EVs have been offering something “Exciting” and “Different.” They’ve had unique features or eyeball-flattening acceleration or drive-it-yourself tech or SOMETHING that sets them apart from the typical gas car.

I don’t get all the ID.4 ho-hum reviews. I test drove one and really impressed at what you get for the money. Great features, everything felt well-made, and it was comfortable to drive. It has a tremendously comfortable rear seat for a 6'1" adult (I could easily sit behind myself with at least 4" of knee room).

Stellantis could literally shove a Chrysler badge on this and sell it immediately here in the states. I think it’d sell. 

its in that really annoying space between wagon and crossover. I want an actual low to the ground wagon, not a lifted wagon that handles like an SUV
What we need is this, the Arteon R wagon

Chicken vs egg. No one will install a plug for a vehicle they don’t have.

PHEVs are very much what the US needs in the short term. The most environmentally conscious people I know still aren’t willing to get an EV because of the compromises around them. PHEVs solve 90% of the issues without adding any compromises to car ownership. Considering we keep hearing how constrained the battery cell

Your same criticisms of PHEVs can be leveled at 350mi range BEVs. Why take on an extra 800lbs of weight to have 350mi driving range when the average American commute is 32mi round trip. At the end of the day, both are dragging around a bunch of weight for things they don’t need most days.

As of 2 days ago, I now have 2 PHEVs in my garage. The current BEVs will not work for my use case. I’m sure in the future they will. At this point I’d need to have 2 BEVs and 2 gas cars to meet my family’s needs. I feel that 2 PHEVs makes way more sense. 

I can’t wait to get back to business travel, nor can most of my colleagues. Granted, I’m not one of those people who was 100% on the road, so it’s a perk for me. Most of my clients are looking forward to in-person meetings as well, despite the expense.

Neutral: Slideshows....

It benefited far more Leaf owners than Ferrari owners. 

Huh, well no one could have predicted that. What we are —

Bring your jalopnik friends over :) I thought that was a very strange analogy too. If I want to pick a car analogy, I’d go with “driving a race car on a track, then going back to a Prius on your daily commute”

We have lost more people to covid in less than 1 year, than we have lost to all the Wars and combat we have fought in the past 120 years combined.

Also, there were almost no flu deaths this year, which makes me think that the annual flu carnage is equally unacceptable

Silver lining: If he’d done that, he’d most likely still be in office.

I’m still, a year later, explaining this logic to people way too often.

I never liked the BS argument from people against masks and lockdowns at the start of the pandemic to flatten the curve spouting that the flu or car accidents kills more people yearly so this is overblown. But they could never understand that if the yearly total of car accidents happened in a span of a few months, our

Fox News would like you to know that, in every one of those cases, the cause of death was insufficient patriotism.

Imagine if, when it was clear Covid was spreading in the U.S., some kind of authority figure—a leader, if you will—calmly explained that if everyone put on a mask for a few weeks we could basically stop the virus in its tracks, thereby avoiding massive casualties and economic devastation?