Friggen people need to calm the hell down about their damn haircuts and hand scooped ice cream.
Friggen people need to calm the hell down about their damn haircuts and hand scooped ice cream.
I’m with you, except that they were incredibly profitable. They just don’t have the cash because they gave it to all their investors in dividends or more often, they did stock buybacks. So they made money, gave it away to their investors, and that’s the reason they need a bailout? I have trouble with that, and I’m…
This kind of existed in the past. There were certain combi aircraft called QC (for “quick change”) that kept cabin sections on tracks, and you could basically roll in/out the passenger section through the cargo door.
While Canadian Police, and Canadians, will no doubt still be reeling from the Nova Scotia shootings last month, which killed 22 people,
Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.
For many international carriers, freight is a large portion of their revenue.
I recall this baby naming ‘rule’: try saying the name after saying this “I’m pleased to introduce the President of the United States...” (or “SCOTUS Justice...”).
I get your point but many of those lists are linked to religion which can be oppressive if one is not a member of said religion. Also, I will never be able to Google any ex-boyfriend from Portugal because any given name has two million hits for precisely this reason. Carlos, I tried.
your linguist should have just said that all sound-meaning relations are completely arbitrary and mediated by social agreement, and in english specifically, letter-sound relations are completely incoherent, so X AE A-12 could be pronounced “Greg” if we all just decided that it was pronounced “Greg”
Oh my gosh. Your friends too?
But then there’s this beauty:
First learn to use quotations properly, second we can tell you are the person who has liked your own comment, and third go back to the bridge you crawled out from under. This isn’t about left or right you fucking tool it is about peoples lives.
One of my FB friends posted it like 3 times, saying “they keep deleting it!” like that was some reasoning as to why it must be true. There’s a cover-up! They don’t want you to know what’s real! We better keep posting about it and talking about it so everyone can see it! Fight the system!
Ask FCA, they do on Jeeps.
Hopefully they did not use the same supplier as BMW where every plastic piece that looks like that cracks and fails at 100K miles
I like Jimmy Kimmel as much as the next guy, but this clip was taken deliberately out of context for the sake of the joke.
I hate pence almost as much as I hate trump, but the full video clearly shows it was a joke.
This reminds me of my favorite sundae at the Ghirardelli Cafe, with peanut butter sauce on top. I should do this at home too!