Should have called it the SPF1000 to keep from getting burned this year.
Im looking forward to some hipster F1 team rejecting the multibladed front wing in favor of a single, steel, straight wing. Because it provides "better feel" and allows you to shave the corners more closely.
NASA has a web site dedicated to showing more than 2000 items that were developed by NASA, or one of its contractors, for use in NASA operations. Part of their mandate is to create stuff that will benefit mankind.
You know those potato cannons made with PVC pipe and a grill igniter? How you’re supposed to use hair spray to launch the ‘tater?
COTDw. (Cum Otters To Displace Water)
It’s such a shame Nikola Tesla didn’t have a middle name. No more electric vehicle companies allowed, sorry.
Slightly related - when I was a kid, my grandparents owned a hardware store and small engine repair service back in Detroit... you know, back before there was a Home Depot on every other corner. Anyhow, my grandpa swore that there was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with some WD-40. He used that shit for pretty much…
Coconut is the *worst* nut.
I mean, I think around 2005 they changed their blend, and for the worse. DD’s coffee I used to consider to be a treat cus it was better than anything I could make at home, and then they changed it as as someone said downthread, nowadays it tastes like melted plastic.
make it a 2 door and I would be sold.
That’s the problem, you can get a bigger, more capable truck for the same money. There were plenty of Gladiators at the local Jeep dealership for well into the $50k range. That’s 3/4 ton truck money. I love the idea of a Wrangler pickup priced to compete with midsize offerings, not so much priced against 1/2 to 3/4…
“she’s got dirty flaps!”
It’s not nonsense, it’s the explanation for why the plane didn’t fall into the sea in pieces.
At least one 747 broke the sound barrier in a very scary dive indeed and survived to land safely missing some fairly major and important chunks of the airplane.
Hope the record holds. Glad to see these old big birds showing their stuff. Yes, it’s like an old Cadillac breaking a speed record going downhill in a tailwind, but still cool.
Jeeze... Surprised the British government didn’t refurb that bad boy to haul all of their shit off of the EU’s front yard.
Well, they’ll make a nearly identical 4 door and keep the 2 door for marketing. So yes, like Jeep. The FJ not being a 2 door 4Runner hurt it.
I still think Dunkin’ coffee is bland and overpriced. I can get Green Mountain Coffee or New England Coffee at most gas stations and it’s cheaper and better than Dunkin’ IMHO. Hell, even Tim Hortons is better (YMMV).
Their coffee is a vehicle for cream and sugar, thats all.