It looks like it might be the same for the first gen also! The lower part of the bumper cover is what changes... Now my fact is still useless, it just covers more years! haha

For the second generation Saturn SL series, you could tell if it was a SOHC or DOHC model by the color of the bumpers and mirrors. SOHC were black, and on the DOHC models they were body color. 

Thanks for the reply. I don’t dispute that there are billionaires doing things behind the scenes to support Democrats, but it’s not as even of a “both sides” issue as you make it out to be. Billionaire funding behind the scenes is just as responsible for the GOP’s sharp turn to the right over the last 10-15 years as

Well written, well reasoned article with solid facts to boot. Bravo!

Gorgeous and so interesting! There’s one of these in the National Museum of Transportation in St. Louis, which I got to see about ten years ago. Theirs is in running condition so occasionally they do take it out, although when I was there it was just on static display. It was a real treat to see it in person and

I think the idea of having hydrogen-powered vehicles is a fantasy and won’t happen on a large scale for a number of reasons. But there are definite benefits to using it somehow, like maybe in creating a larger fast-charging network for BEVs where hydrogen is used to power up a battery bank or capacitors that are

Where have I seen that paint job before? Hmmm... Think... think...

That’s how I felt when I saw Letterman with a beard for the first time, too. Some people can pull off the look, some people just look like a crazy person who’s been wandering through the woods alone for a few months. 

Electric turbo is still hooked up to the exhaust like a regular turbo is. Being able to electrically power it reduces or eliminates turbo lag, and then energy can be harvested from it when decelerating since the exhaust gases are still spinning the impeller. 

I nominate “Wolfgang” as a candidate for your Merc name. 

Yes, it was Airline Tycoon Deluxe, by Runesoft. Epic game. Surprisingly good, detailed management gameplay but in a fun, often cheeky wrapping.

This is technically correct, but the manufacturers still have a LOT of say in the dealership operations and still profit off of them quite handily. Most dealerships are essentially bound to only purchase parts through the OEM (mainly through lucrative rebate programs/discounts) so a dealership that does more service,

Airport Tycoon, the cartoonish-looking one with Sunshine Airways, Falcon Line, etc.? I loved the hell out of that game and I miss it (it doesn’t play properly on modern Macs).

That’s really a great idea, but ultimately naive. Manufacturers are motivated to make it as confusing as possible so that some percentage of buyers still go to them for service or repairs. They’ll never give up the golden repair goose, and I’m sure they’re shitting bricks about what EVs will do for their service

I think the “what could have happened” element certainly applies to his potential on the track, but also in his life and attitudes off the track. It’s easy to chalk up his misogyny and otherwise bad behavior to the era itself in a way, not to say that he wasn’t responsible for what he did or thought (he was) but it

Haha is that even still a thing? Man I miss those days on this site. 

To me, “LLV” made perfect sense because it conveyed that it was a vehicle designed to be durable with a long (but not infinite) service life.

The National Park idea is solid. I can hear the ad copy now:

That’s fine for the purposes of the program “Hey guys, we’re going to search for our Next Generation Delivery Vehicle” but then to actually name the vehicle that is idiotic.

Jeep finally made a vehicle so bad, even the nameplate is being recalled!