These are perfect. It’s like a modern-day Divco milk truck. They maximized the cube, but gave it a little style! 

This one looks like something a 5 year old cobbled together out of 18 different Lego sets. It’s like literally every component of it was somehow an afterthought. Maybe it would be better if there were less black bits so at least it was more cohesive in that way? But as it sits I’m getting huge Hammerhead Eagle iThrust

A couple of thoughts:

This is a beautiful redesign and the van offers a lot of excellent features, and looks very comfortable and practical. If I were van shopping I would give this a look for sure, but I think I’d be hard pressed to get this over a Pacifica Hybrid. That’s an older design but is still a great contender, is feature rich,

“Oh and there’s Jason clipping the apex at turn five, *announcer chuckle* he is really hauling the mail Johnny, isn’t he?”

As a middle-aged dad who will be car shopping later this year and is seriously considering an EV, I appreciate your insight. The Model Y seemed like a strong contender when it came out, but Elon’s antics and the myriad build quality issues made me hesitant to give it a look. I’ll add it back on my list! 

I always get a charge out of seeing that picture when it’s posted. 

Doubtful, and I’m torn on those sandwiches. When they’re fresh, the first couple of bites are really enjoyable. Something just strikes the right note with me.

I did three years at Booger Fling while in high school and there were few sights less appetizing than a burger/bun combo that had sat in the steamer for too long. Yuck.

Yeah, although the Niro is very roomy inside. My wife looked at one and really liked it, but everyone at the Kia dealer was a total ass (whoa, shocking) so we ruled it out based on that alone. But the vehicle has a lot more room inside than others that are externally larger, and it was very quiet and comfortable.


I’m with you on the screen argument, but that Infiniti interior is otherwise awful looking. Waaaaaay too busy, and it needs to decide what color it wants to be. 

I don’t hate this idea. I think it would help the USPS to be a little more Jolly!

Could we repurpose these as diet pills? “Swallowing one of these magic pills will help you feel fuller, longer so you’ll resist the urge to snack!”

(Do not actually do this....)

I’m struggling to understand how big this vehicle is. It looks to be about the size of the ID.4, but the ID.4 is apparently smaller than I expected (according to an article on a different site) so that makes me think it’s mid-sized, like a RAV4 but lower? But then with a wheelbase that’s quite a big larger than that

Compounding things was the fact that the aircraft sat for a long time on the ground, with the A/C system cranking to keep the cabin at an appropriate temperature. The A/C system was located adjacent to the center tank, so the theory is that the excessive heat generated by the A/C system caused whatever fuel that was

I went to high school with a guy that bought a restored ‘71 Camaro and promptly destroyed it a few weeks later drunk driving with his buddies. There wasn’t a straight panel left on it, and I was amazed that nobody died.

For almost my entire life my parents have had at least one Chrysler minivan of some sort in their driveway, starting in 1984 when they first came out. They were so groundbreaking at the time that people would come over and talk to my parents about it when they saw it at the gas station or a shopping center!

I never find Wendy’s spicy chicken to have any kind of unpleasant aftertaste - in fact it’s generally my favorite, go-to sandwich when I’m in the mood for fast food (Chick-fil-A is a tad far for my lunch break and we do not have a Popeye’s or Shake Shack in our area). I’ll probably give this a try, although three

Still without power and yet, here you are instead of fleeing to Cancun. Good on you!

Stupid photography aside, is this basically just a Stelvio? Or is it riding on a unique chassis?