Interesting, I never knew those locos weren’t considered “hybrids” - I’m surprised some sort of regen technology hasn’t been applied to them. Or perhaps it has on the newer ones or some that are in the pipeline?

Yeah, I think this is the perfect bridge between traditional hybrids and an all-EV future. Make it a plug-in like someone else suggested and it would be perfect.

I’m considering “large comfy sedan” for my next ride and so far the Volvo S90 seems to be the frontrunner. Well under $80k, can be had in plug-in hybrid, and has some of the best seats in the business.

On a somewhat related note, I have a fan artwork idea for Daniel and Lando but absolutely zero skill or talent to pull it off. Looking for someone that’s good with cartoon/caricature specifically. If anyone is interested in helping me out please send a PM!

I think VW’s approach is smart, too. The MEB platform is easily scaled as well, and they have started off at the mainstream end of the market rather than chasing luxury buyers. It’ll be interesting to see how they’re adopted here by consumers. VW has said the ID.4 is their “most important vehicle since the Beetle”.

I think the biggest barrier to customization now is how tech-centric and interconnected everything has become. For instance, it’s not as simple as just adding or deleting A/C and adding/removing the appropriate hardware; the HVAC control system will need to be programmed differently, too. And since that’s often

Wouldn’t this fall under copyright or trademark violations somehow? The restaurant wants to profit off of the name and story elements of a popular show without going through the appropriate licensing steps... seems shady/unethical/crappy to me. I would think there would be legal avenues the Levys or the production

I never said “after taxes”. $30k salary is $2,500/month gross. Less payroll taxes, less any other taxes taken out, less housing, less food... that leaves basically zero dollars towards the purchase of a vehicle. Even maintaining the vehicle they have would be damn near impossible at that point.

And even if take-home is

If it encourages more streaming and Comcast can make more money off of data overages, they’ll do it in a heartbeat.

I won’t be truly satisfied until there’s a spreadable Skippy & Spam combo in the same jar. They have the technology, but do they have the courage?

Also, why does Hormel make canned chili, and Spam, but not chili with Spam in it?

Living in an area that relies heavily on tourism, this was a fairly normal thing around here well before the pandemic. Long-standing breakfast places and ice cream shops had t-shirts and hats and aprons and all sorts of things for sale.

Not to mention, anyone earning $30k/year that’s shopping for a vehicle is most likely looking at vehicles entering their 3rd or 4th tier of ownership. An eGolf might be in their budget at $10k or an i3 that’s been halfway to the moon, but not much else.

You made a ton of great points! Now couple that with the selection process we typically use when we DO authorize infrastructure maintenance work (lowest bidder wins) and it’s easy to see that whatever repairs are performed are to a lower standard and won’t last as long, which costs us a shit ton more in the long run. 

I have to be honest, the GT90 never did it for me. I like certain aspects, like the headlights, but overall I always found it to be a weird mix of curves and angles that just didn’t form a cohesive design. And the name doesn’t make any sense, unless this thing was 90 inches tall (obviously it’s not).

Still not as bad

My wife and I are in the process of getting solar put on our house and it’s similar here in MA where you have to remain part of the grid and pay a monthly “account management” or connection fee to the electric company. And while they’re evil, I do sort of still get it. Even with a giant PV system there are still

Acura has at least rebounded from its lowest point. They seem to have found a direction that works for them, and reviews of the new MDX and TLX seem to be good. I think they’re firmly in the “entry level luxury” category with a lean towards performance.

I can’t begin to define what Infiniti wants to be. They’re kind

This is a great suggestion. When I think of the traditional “Big 3" American luxury brands (Cadillac, Lincoln, Chrysler) Chrysler is the one that still has yet to really decide what it wants to be in the future. Lincoln has had a successful revival going back to being plush, comfortable and luxurious. Cadillac is

It’s not weird. It’s an incredibly useful, versatile vehicle that’s great at just about everything it does. Comfortable, easy to drive, easy to live with, and the plug in hybrid is a nice bonus. I hope you find one in your price range so you can live your best Van Life.

I think this will be a critical step in seeing widespread EV adoption. Range is pretty much there already for 95% of people if there’s a way to charge at the destination.

I am actually hoping he means 550,000 places to charge, not individual chargers. We have gas stations now with anywhere from 4-16 pumps like you

Lots of hair, too, if you pull down the underbody tray.