Yikes. That looks like a bad photoshop job on a picture of a Chevy Sonic. 

We DO already have Right to Repair, but the original law apparently left open a loophole that didn’t cover wireless technologies, so now that more manufacturers are going to over-the-air comms like Tesla, that was an opportunity for them to lock out the independent market again. 

As a Massachusetts resident and someone who works in the independent repair industry, I’m really proud of my state for leading the way with the original Right to Repair bill in 2012 and now this one.

I like that, too! Alfa does a nice job on it in my opinion - a vertical slot between the two cupholders in front of the HVAC controls, and for 2020-up an additional horizontal slot near the front of the center armrest, which also doubles as a wireless charge pad. 

My wife thinks Cel-Ray is disgusting. I happen to like it as a special treat. I can never find it in my area but I usually pick some up when I’m visiting family around NY/NJ.

I’ve heard the “merroir” term used regarding Wellfleet oysters, from Wellfleet, MA on Cape Cod. Apparently there’s even a noticeable difference between oysters harvested from one area there compared to another, probably due to small variations in water temperature or different deposits from runoff.

I generally don’t like sweet wines, but ice wine is my jam! 

“Fleshless burrito” sounds like an album title from an indie singer/songwriter.

Ask and ye shall receive...

I’ll have to work on that... I did save a short clip of it so I can work with that. I’ll report back if I’m successful! 

Once they get this nailed down, maybe they’ll work on making their food biodegradable!  (HEY-OOOOOOOO).

My wife and I couldn’t stop laughing at the face Paul made when he was talking about Peter’s tart... so I bestow this gift upon you all, so you can now cherish it forever as we will.

Haha don’t kill your friends, but yeah these definitely need some help.

And that’s the thing about truly spicy things - I know the audience for that would be very small so they obviously have to dumb it down somewhat to attract more Customers for it but... this is just lame. They’ve watered it down way too much.


That’s awesome! Habanero really does have a great flavor that complements a lot of different dishes. My local World Market used to stock a couple of sauces that were basically just pureed habanero and they were excellent... unfortunately it closed a couple of months ago, so I’m going to have to search online when my

I had two of these this week and... meh.

Aww man, jealous that you can find it in your area. They never seemed to stock it in my part of MA so I’ll probably have to snag some on Amazon or something while I still can. 

In order to continue to innovate and give consumers the choices they want today, we have to make decisions like this one...

The “Are you closed?” pet peeve goes beyond Subway and even beyond fast food.

I love Culver’s, and I’m sad we don’t have them on the east coast. I love their drive-thru method of giving your car an order number and having you pull forward of the window if your order isn’t ready right away - this keeps the line moving so people behind you with a simpler order aren’t stuck waiting. Genius!

Emily isn’t wrong, Lou Malnati’s is pretty much crap. The cheese and sauce are tolerable, but the crust has zero flavor.