I wonder what the statute of limitations is on that... otherwise someone could get themselves busted for insurance fraud pretty easily.

I wonder, if someone were to have successfully hid one from GM so it couldn’t be repossessed, would new GM still have a claim to it or did that claim die with old GM? Surely a handful of people or organizations that had one were able to squirrel them away somewhere. 

Two Honda Accords go ‘round the outside, ‘round the outside, ‘round the outside...

I bet it scared the schist out of her.

The traffic-calming island had the same effect as telling an angry person to “Calm down”. Usually that sets them off even more.

To back up your comment, yes unemployment is low but wage growth over the past ten years has barely outpaced inflation (about 20-25% increase in that time) whereas average health insurance premiums have increased over 50% and deductibles have increased over 150%.

Perhaps it’s time for Sony to ditch the current sales model and jump on the “low monthly payment” bandwagon like cell phone providers and so many other companies have.

Instead of making the franchise owners operate at a loss for a promotion they have no say in, if they want to improve usage of their mobile app they should improve their mobile app so people actually want to use it!

Oh look everybody, a short person with a bad attitude! How rare!

If I paid for a seat, cheap or not, I also paid for all of the space between the front of my seat and the back of the one in front of me, so I should be able to approve or deny someone’s desire to recline backwards and invade my space.

If they build the seats for an “average” sized human, that means they’ve willfully made the seat too small for almost half of the population.

Weak argument. I shouldn’t be held responsible for a business’s failed pricing structure. If it costs them more than $89 to get me from point A to point B, they shouldn’t sell the ticket for less than that, and if they do then it doesn’t give them the right to mistreat me or put my health and wellbeing at risk. 

What if all seats were fixed in a slightly-reclined position. More comfortable than their current regular position, but with each seat slightly reclined the space between them is all still the same so no loss of legroom or personal space.

It’s a viable option. A $5 drink might even do the trick... 

Yeah, Spirit sucks! But they are making money and people still fly them, so good for them I guess.

Yeah, it’s not a strategy I’d employ during an epidemic of any kind... the air nozzle idea is a good one!

Seat pitches have gotten much tighter over the years as airlines try to fit more people on a plane. If they tighten up the space between the back of one seat and the front of another by even an inch, that gives them enough room to put an entire extra row of seats in. So then they did an inch and a half, then two

This is a good idea! Solves both problems - person can recline without encroaching on someone else’s personal space. 

Ugh, I am SO happy to live in an era where public smoking is banned. When I was a kid my parents both smoked so whenever we went out to eat we’d sit in the smoking section, which in some places was its own room. It was like dining inside an ashtray.

Faking a couple of good, wet sneezes can help, too.