I often fly Southwest and still find them to be one of the best for leg room in general, so as a 6' 4" person I’m generally comfortable regardless of where I end up. But I also like that I have a decent chance at grabbing an exit row seat if I get myself into the A boarding group. Sometimes it works out, sometimes

“A few bucks” is usually at least $50 per flight, sometimes more depending on the airline. Double that if you want to be able to sit with your spouse/partner/etc. for the flights as well.

Your simple “a few extra bucks” option usually doesn’t exist. And if it does, it’s not “a few extra bucks”, but is often $50-100 more per flight depending on the airline.

There is no question that the giant manbaby is acting like a tool. He should be ashamed of himself.

It looks like something the Griswold family would rent for a Safari Vacation. 

As fun as that sounds, that would just turn into a series with one or two viable competitors with virtually unlimited budgets who can just outspend everybody else. New entrants would be deterred by the cost, lower-budget teams would never have a shot at winning.

Excellent history on the paint scheme and how it ties into America’s diplomatic strategy (or at least, how it used to...)

I agree that for any kind of towing/hauling, a BEV probably isn’t going to cut it unless there’s some kind of ridiculous step forward in storage capacity and/or charge time. I always thought using an ICE as a giant generator (like diesel-electric locomotives have been doing for nearly 100 years) would be the way to go

I’m glad they’re planning to offer a battery-electric version instead of only hydrogen fuel cell, because I still firmly believe hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are a useless dead end.

They’re out there, they just don’t usually play up the “water displacement” aspect as much as WD-40 does. For a lot of the uses of WD-40, you could use something else instead like PB B’laster, CRC Power Lube, LPS, Kroil, Miracle Lube, Break Away, Deep Creep.... there are probably dozens, but very few that have the

Just by reading the headline, I could smell WD-40. So distinctive.

On the full feed there’s a Saudia Boeing 777 with a special Formula E paint job at 1:10:00. 

“I’ll believe it when me shit turns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet”.

Aimee had very solid picks, but Marnie’s picks of Moose Tracks, black raspberry chocolate chip and butter pecan juuuuuust edged her out. (Really, all credit goes to the black raspberry on that one... my favorite combo is that with hot fudge and peanut butter sauce on top - like an ice cream PBJ!).

Man the only things keeping me from buying this are lack of time, money and skill to restore it.  I love these things... a relatively unique piece of automotive and racing history! 

2nd Gear: I’m really impressed with Volvo’s renewal under Geely. I was skeptical at first but their products are gorgeous and very desirable and there’s no sign of that changing anytime soon.

Sounds like you got a real charge out of this discovery! 

Really, we’re seeing a repeat of the auto industry when it first emerged. There were thousands of auto manufacturers, and eventually they either consolidated or folded until we ended up with a relatively stable group.

I work in a place that sees 5-6 LTL deliveries per day, and there’s a HUGE difference between the product that arrives on the same carrier it was shipped through, versus the product that has bounced (sometimes literally) from one regional carrier to another on its way across the country.

I shopped Jag the last time I was in the market, compared against Audi, Alfa Romeo and some others. I was really disappointed - I drove the XE which I found to be cramped inside and very heavy feeling, plus the tech looked outdated. Also, it was just a poor value. The XE was missing quite a few features that were