One could argue that they “contribute” by spending their money on expensive vehicles, an expensive house (probably with expensive landscaping), paying a premium for fancy coffee instead of making it at home or drinking gas station swill, etc... plenty of other people have benefited from the existence of people like

The rest of the design is only one or two years old, why would you assume the interior is so outdated? 

I don’t see this replacing helicopters or charter flights entirely, but what this does is open up a lot of options at the start and end of the journey. You don’t need a hospital with a helipad to be able to ship or receive the organ, and it eliminates road travel (which also eliminates bridges, tunnels, etc.).

Ford made a business decision to lose the few thousand Customers per year that were interested in the FiST and FoST in favor of not losing money on the hundreds of thousands of regular Fiestas, Focuses and Fusions they sold.

Meh. I have a Stelvio, the first SUV I’ve ever had, and it handles better than anything I’ve ever owned previously. Does the sedan version (Giulia) handle better? Sure, but unless I’m on a track that’s not going to matter. Fun is fun, and this thing is a blast and a half. More SUVs does not mean an overall worse

At least you’ll still be able to see through their windows (somewhat) instead of staring at their bumper.

The Niro is a great little vehicle... I’m surprised there aren’t more of them on the road. I came away impressed...

Someone will still continue producing sedans and hatchbacks, just not in the numbers that we’ve been used to seeing for so long.

I think it was a bold move by Ford, one that is somewhat questionable but could also work out very well for them. And I think it shows a level of realism and long-term planning that maybe we’re not all used to seeing from Detroit.

With our luck it would have been Larry the Cable Guy.

Where are people getting these financial numbers for S&S specifically? Their parent company has many other grocery chains and other businesses, so we can’t just look at that alone... are S&S numbers broken out specifically in Ahold’s financials? 

Jason Bateman playing a ridiculous “bro” sports announcer in Dodgeball.

Kind of looks like that Tesla shorted itself. 

After reading the story and seeing how the dealership responded, this does sound like it was an egregious use of a Customer’s vehicle.

One can dream, but I’d love to see another manufacturer join Formula 1.

Same thing used to happen to me in Forza whenever I tried to cut the final turn at Maple Valley a little too tight... happens so fast I can’t imagine what it’s like in real life! 

And motor can also be a verb, as in to “motor along the highway”. 

Spa is a freaking great track. Looks like loads of fun... too bad I’m at work and can’t watch it! 

The Quarter Pounder is possibly my favorite sandwich at McDonald’s, followed closely by either the bacon, egg & cheese Biscuit or McGriddle (although the McGriddle is always such a grease bomb it may drop off my list soon).

To replace the timing chain on these you have to drop the whole engine/trans assembly since the timing components are actually on the back side of the motor. I’m not sure if that involves removing the front bumper, but plenty of other things do (such as alternator replacement, among other things) but in theory if the