I assume powdered sugar, as if the current owner fiends on mini powdered Donettes while doing 90 on the highway weaving in and out of traffic.
I assume powdered sugar, as if the current owner fiends on mini powdered Donettes while doing 90 on the highway weaving in and out of traffic.
Another great example of an ancient vehicle design that was still pretty great was the Crown Victoria/Grand Marquis.
Or about a decade away from having a six cylinder engine that was truly great.
This really makes me wonder “what might have been”. Perhaps more investment in this idea at the time would have ironed out the technology enough to have been a viable alternative during the oil crisis of the 70's, leading them to be a fairly mainstream option today... or perhaps it would have been such a spectacular…
Surprisingly, $20-22k is what 12-year-old RS4 sedans with six-digit mileage are going for these days apparently...
A few people might want to kick your RS4 that pun...
Calling it a Blazer isn’t totally crazy. It’s a four-door, four wheel drive SUV/Crossover that’s mid-size or smaller. Chevy had a vehicle a lot like that in the 90's & 00's, so the basic formula remains the same.
Tip-toey and boring, yet they still managed to piss people off by not going through the trouble of making it symmetrical. Bastards.
Honestly, is this any more of a “bland, wet wad of adequacy” than the Blazer from the late 90's/early 00's? The one with the door pins that failed every six months or so? The one with the interior plastic that was harder than Robert Kraft in a massage parlor?
Twix Java was a thing! But a limited release over ten years ago...
I would have thought they’d be called the 77 Quid bar, what with the exchange rate and all...
Nestle’s Crunch is a good call. Simple, but reliable. It’s great when it’s refrigerated too and the chocolate gives a nice snap when you break off a piece.
Are those called Hilliard’s? I always end up getting half a dozen of the dark chocolate ones...
What about Reese’s PB Cups w/ Pieces in them? To me, they’re magical and I can’t believe it took so long for them to come to market.
If they discontinued Whoppers tomorrow I would not be sad.
Oh man, I can’t believe I forgot Nutty Buddies! I used to eat FAR too many of those when I worked the evening/night shift at a gas station and got bored... They’re so much better when they’re fresh though.
I can’t believe Twix was such a late pick, and that nobody ever picked Reese’s Fast Break. Reese’s Nutrageous is also a better pick than Snickers in my opinion. I’m also a huge fan of Skor bars... the perfect blend of crunchy toffee and chocolate.
Whenever I think of NYC, I always think of the 911...
“Poseidon? More like Pedoseidon. Get your own rocket, loser!”
I don’t have a Quad, but it’s nice to have another Alfa owner around here... Mine’s been super reliable as well!