I bet we only know about half of those tanks, too.  A friend of mine purchased an old service station about ten years ago and when he went to have some engineering work done, they discovered three tanks in the ground that weren’t anywhere on file with the town.  He was VERY lucky to not have any contaminated soil!

Everything ahead of the A-pillar is quite attractive; much better than the Accord in my opinion. Everything after the A-pillar is far worse, especially the awkward rear quarter panel and wheel arch.

I thought that was the case but wasn’t really clear as to the science behind it. Thanks for the great reply! 

I agree 100%. Limitation on the use of certain phrases, and universal warnings, would go a long way in helping the public to learn how to deal with these systems and use them in a safe way, regardless of the technology “behind the curtain”.

I agree, but I don’t see any indication in the auto industry right now that companies are shoving “crap” onto the market. The autonomous vehicle industry seems to be doing a relatively good job of regulating itself given the very low number of accidents per miles traveled, and the seriousness in which these accidents

FWIW, I had terrific service with Verizon for over ten years while a lot of my friends complained about their service from TMobile and AT&T (nobody that I know around my area uses Sprint because the coverage is so bad).

I recommend people follow an account called “The Last Blockbuster” on Twitter... @loneblockbuster

I agree with everything you said. I think I forgot to include the word “only” when referring to the number of accidents related to autonomous tech so far. It’s definitely too early to bet on the wrong horse... 

So, he’s put them in an uncomfortable situation and is now wielding his influence and asking them to put aside their own self interests and do something they don’t want to do?   Why does this sound familiar... 

2nd Gear: I can appreciate the desire for oversight of autonomous technology, or at least how and where it’s tested. But realistically, there have been a handful of high-profile fatal accidents over billions of miles of travel in “autonomous mode”.

50 Shades of Freight? 

Legitimate question:  How did the liquid helium affect the weight of the MRI machine?  I’ve heard jokes about people using helium-filled balloons to avoid weight penalties in their suitcase, etc. but I always thought that wasn’t really how it worked.

Pretty sure it’s ultimately Univision that’s porking everything. Hopefully whoever buys the sites from them is willing to reinvest in quality staff. And maybe an editor or two. 

If they hire him they’ll just have to let him go next week like so many of the other great writers they’ve had. 

With the new tariffs? Probably about 3.6 bajillion dollars. 

I think some of those, while plausible, are still kind of a stretch. But even the remote possibility of them becoming real should raise some red flags.

The sad thing is that there’s actually a lot of potential for autonomous cars to restore liberty for a lot of people. Imagine a blind person being able to have their own transportation again, or how much easier the decision would be to take a license away from an elderly person if it didn’t mean you were basically

Ford had better give us some red, white and blue plaid seats to go with it! 

I can’t divulge my time-traveling secrets!

“Send lawyers, guns and money. Dad, get me out of this.”