Having driven back and forth from MA to Long Island to visit family many times, I concur that the absolute worst part of that journey is between New Haven and the NY border. I don’t know what it is but it’s like someone flips a switch and everyone goes into “crazy asshole” mode in that stretch. 

It was running when I was there a couple of years ago, and found nothing frightening about it.  I’d much rather have an automated train/tram/monorail than one operated by a driver that’s bored and possibly texting...

That went full CODE BROWN very quickly.  Glad Hartley’s okay; hope his season gets better. Massive talent, but luck hasn’t been on his side this season so far. 

As a Michigan fan, the punt fumble was gut wrenching to watch at the time, but I can’t stop laughing at the punter’s face now. Classic!

Pretty sure all of the new ones are automatics. I think UPS found that with drivers having to shift gears thousands of times per day, their instances of shoulder-based workman’s comp claims were high. Could be wrong, but I have a friend that works for UPS and mentioned it a while back.

Hey, go easy, it’s not like the authors on this site are being paid to write for a living.... 

Every single time there’s an election where less than 75% of the people show up to vote.  So basically, it went wrong a long, long, long time ago and has continued to do so.

My only guess is that somehow all of that tariff money goes directly to ISIS...

4th Gear: I like the idea and the aesthetic of a screen instead of physical gauges. Aircraft have had them for over 20 years, so it’s an idea that should work well in automobiles.

No, they optimize for easily hosing out vomit and other bodily fluids. Comfort isn’t a thought, hence the molded plastic seats with no cushions. But since there are no cushions, head room improves...

I think this is true for a lot of things in life, not just news about Tesla.

IIHS I could understand since they purchase the vehicles they choose to test, and with limited availability, maybe they just haven’t gotten theirs yet...

What steps does Tesla have to take with NHTSA regarding the removal of 300 spot welds? Is that considered enough of a structural change to require additional crash testing?

This deserves more stars.

While they’re at it, Geely should buy Harley also. Or maybe just buy the rights to the name and designs at auction after they eventually go hairy-tits-up and liquidate...

Wow, that’s a great deal.  Glad it’s selling well overall; admittedly my sample size was small, but we’re not far from a major city so it got me worried. Excited to check it out for myself when the time comes! 

It’s not a lazy response, it’s called “my opinion”. Unlike BMWs, Audis and even Porsches, I don’t see McLarens often enough to have studied every nuance in their design and for whatever reason I haven’t been able to grasp what their alphanumeric naming system is supposed to represent. I understand LT is “Long Tail”,

I can’t keep track of their alphanumeric naming system, and all of the recent cars (sans the Senna) look the same to me... but I don’t care. They’re all beautiful, capable machines and I love them.

As a parts counter person, I say to Ram... “GOD DAMMIT NO!”