
When I was in school(2002) there was barely any female students. Our entire department had about 5 total(whereas the Interior design dept had all ladies and one dude. Jealous!). We learned that female designers were huge demand in the Industrial Design industry, automotive and products alike, and while it was really

This is actually quite relevant to me! Rice is my staple food and since I usually cook just for myself, to save me trouble of cooking rice everyday, I will cook a batch of about 4 portions, put each portion in plastic wrap and freeze them so I can just microwave them as needed. However between portioning them and

For Chinese, a house that faces a road end is really bad Feng Shui, as proven in this case!

Never flown on a BA flight before so I can’t compare.

“I heard Icelandic elves smell like fermented shark?”

Of all the countries I’ve traveled to, US immigration is the only one that consistently and deliberately acts like jackass to foreign travelers. Most other countries, Asia and Europe, are either polite or simply indifferent, but never to a point of asking ridiculous questions. I honestly think they have courses to

Had a friend in the same situation but didn’t end up well for him. He was both a Canadian and Taiwanese (citizenship). He applied to a grad school in the US and was accepted, and also a summer internship in the US which he was accepted as well. So his plan was to go to the internship first and then continue with his

What I most dread about the flying experience is the airport part. Waiting in lines after lines, security checks, and if I ever have to fly to the US again, the immigration officers asking ridiculous questions.

Flying economy is something that I guess everyone has accepted. When flying with corporate, I used to get

German ATC be like....

Speed limit enforcement is very different here in Taiwan. Most of it is done with speed cameras. Many moons ago, the highway police was notorious for “cheating” and condemned by the public for actually ambushing motorists by hiding (literally camping) in the bushes by highways and catching speeding cars like a sniper.

With the very specific graphics and color, I’m sure the kid’s gonna ask “who is this?”. Not saying that’s not good, after all Superman’s story is to inspire, but it will be different from a bucket of Lego bricks as opposed to a set with instructional manual.

Now playing

Charming can mean many different ways. For collectors, a charming toy probably means something with the right proportion and excellent accuracy in detail with perfect paint. To a kid, charming may mean something just enough for them to build their imagination upon. A superman figurine can only be a superman, while a

Being in Taiwan, the land of scooters, we have all sorts of road users, from pedestrians showing no respect to their own safety to scooters who simply don’t give a shit. We also have the older folks pushing the huge and heavy trolleys of found recyclable materials using their tiny weak bodies across heavy traffic, and

When I visited the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart, towards the end of the tour there was a booth where kids get to doodle their dream cars. At the booth also sat three Mercedes designers sketching away. I think they were tasked to entertain the visitors. I really wanted to sit down and have an embarrassing sketch

Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe let’s make beef great again!

In that case, sue your balls off, assuming you have them in the first place.

Oh yes choices, Americans can choose to eat less beef, seriously!

Pretty sure that Singapore government will sue your pants off for making a false accusation about them.