
Already, China has threatened to sanction U.S. companies involved in the deal as punishment—an empty gesture as most of the goods produced by U.S. defense contractors are barred from export to China anyway.

Next Trump tweet:

Man, I love these head to heads. Reminded me a lot of this one:

Now playing

Always stop for checkpoints like this. You may even get a chance to show off your karaoke skills!


Didn’t Tango & Cash already do this?

Looks like a Pizza Hut with wheels.

Well, keep in mind the German’s do have experience with the sort of air quality issues that kill thousands upon thousands of people.

Not shown are the 6 hours of uphill slog in tropical heat or the sweaty aftermath ;-)

It’s because they’re unionized, I mean, how evil can you be that you’ve unionized? Damn henchmens thinking they have rights, cannonballs don’t have rights.

These are just the acres and acres of Ferrari’s growing in the fields.

The shutter should ideally be exposing the sensor of the camera for half the time of one frame - that is to say, something shot at 24 frames per second should have a 1/48th of a second shutter speed. If your shutter speed is too fast you don’t have enough motion blur and everything looks stuttery, and if you have it

I want one set up for photography. It would make changing lenses on the fly a hell of a lot quicker.