
What I find most bizaare about this is it seems that everyone has already taken for granted that American cows eat corn and it’s “normal”, therefore eating Skittles seems to be the news. I guess cow eating grass or hay will be mind blowing from now on.

May be they should just be eating what they normally should be eating... like grass or hay?

Was he riding a Kawasaki? Would have made this story perfect!

A really dumb attempt considering how many CCTV there are on the roads now, they authorities can just trace it all the way to its origin or destination and see what it’s real identity is.

I am currently dealing with my own body work issues with Toyota dealer body shop. I had some minor body damage from some asshole who hit my car while parked. I never found out who it was. Anyways, I used my insurance to fix all the dings towards the end of the annual cycle. The insurance recommended me to go back to

I am not exactly sure what you mean by “give us time” in the last part of the article, but it somehow hits home for me. I spent much of my adulthood in Detroit. Went to college there and spent another two years in graduate school outside of the city. I’ve been to every single NAIAS in the six years I was there, heard

Sounds like the making of the US version of Los Zetas. If those committed such crimes are simply put away or discharged, they’d certainly find ways to channel their frustration to express their self-value. Either they will turn to work as mercenaries, or worse as a part of organized crime.

Also sounds like I am

Not sure if being only 15min from downtown Detroit matters.

JAPANESE?! Oh I get it. They are all Asian.

I had to look twice to make sure this is Jalop and not Jezebel ... Anyways, what will you say about women-only subway cabins? All-you-can-eat buffet for ill-intended predators? Labeling can definitely work both ways. Here in Taiwan we have priority seats on trains for the needy, usually the elderly folks, pregnant

“Furiously looking for the exhaust pipe....”

There’s also something with key fob in the trunk area, that the car doors won’t lock up in case you left it in the trunk while loading stuff and close it without realizing. I am bummed that my GT86 doesn’t have a emergency release from inside the trunk. Not that I am afraid of being kidnapped, I just find this feature

If he drives with the turn signal on, he probably can’t hear the beep.

Push start’s only perk is not having to take your keys out of the pocket (couple with keyless entry). It also means you won’t have the key clinking sound when driving, and none of those nasty scratches around the ignition area where you had countless attempts trying to slide it in. It’s definitely not a necessity but

Dump trucks in NYC?

For my GT86, the key fob has to be present within the car for the car to start its engine. If the engine is running and the driver steps out of the car, the car beeps to let people inside and outside know. I haven’t tried to drive off without the key fob inside the car so I don’t know what will happen.

Once I was

I guess she left the key(remote or not) in the car while she’s away? I always have mine in my pocket, so even if the ignition is left on, if I am not around the car isn’t going any where. Plus, a stick shift should do part of the deterrence.

The head lights look like an air intake of one of those old retired fighter/bomber.... sorry, just can’t remember what it was, Google isn’t helping either.

Is it legal to be driven on the road like this? May be the term “operable” is still debatable.