WipEout 2048 is better than all these dumb flash games.
WipEout 2048 is better than all these dumb flash games.
10. Do this:
It does not suck.
chose the worst video because it shows a part of the grunts (bots) and you can see that you have poor AI, typical of a sony site :)
Best Vídeos here- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19x61p_…
2- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19w7p2_…
Criminally under-rated game, an unparallelled example of survival horror, due to the magic the Wii U gamepad is able to bring. It is too bad, it was so divisive. For any mature consumers considering a or owning a Wii U I strongly recommend, especially for the price it is going now. The game from start to finish is…
No, we are not agreed. Liberals are so anti conservative they've become short sighted. This administration always says the GOP isn't willing to work with them, when in fact it is the liberals who say "it's our way or else", in which Obama uses executive orders to get what he wants. Like it or not, those GOP were…
Prezdint Obongo really loves those terrorists. First the Muslim Bros in Egypt, then Al Queda in Syria. America is burning and he is making love calls to the muzzies.
I completely understand their point of view. It is also no surprise that Los Angeles is a plague on all of humanity, seeing as how it is a complete cesspool of utter disgust. That goes for most of the west coast, though.
My favorite part of this article is the part where the kid was deported.
ILLEGAL immigrants you dumbass.
Illegal immigrants are a massive financial burden. In the city of Los Angeles alone, they are costing $1.6 billion per year. This is straight from the LA County board of supervisors, mind you.
Dragons Crown and Killzone. that is all.
Eh, I kind of feel like this is unfair. Did the PS4 have a better showing at E3 today? Definitely. But Microsoft came through on their promise to show games (well, I didn't count to see if there were 15, but they showed games and I wasn't disappointed in that aspect). The most exciting things Sony showed were also…
Coming up: Luke Plunkett - Easily amused, or bored as fuck?
My thought's exactly.
That's great and all, but where the hell is overscanning going to be patched? As well as support for digital picture and component sound for stereo and an HD picture? And the random glitch where the colors go out and everything turns up green?