
Frankie Avalon!

I think you may need to settle down a bit. Did you not just read the article, "guests will have zero liability for the cost of any fraudulent charges arising from the breach."

First off "Carb-Rich Nuts"- Peanuts are Legumes. Not Nuts.


You should stop talking!

"Big BAABBBIESS!" ~ Lady in Crowd

Premo, Is far too sweet and filling for a "Cheap" beer. I buy cheap beer to drink multiple of and not feel like I am going to puke after the 4th one. Maybe I qualify as a Nancy, but i would rather buy a PBR, for its smooth taste and cost. You cant beat 24 pack of - 16oz'ers for $18-19.

Bam Bitch!

Still Rolling about that. Hilarious.

Dude...stop being a hyper-vigilant Troll. You stupid fawker!

Matt thanks for posting this. Anyone that lives in a state that has recently gone through this process or is in the pursuit of this, knows that this has a profound affect on everyone.

I'm going to be the First to Say...."What a Fucking Idiot!"

Don't even give him the possibility to make any money. In fact, at this point, they should make him play with no pay and say you do not get paid till you play 4 games for free and if he doesn't sue his ass for breech of contract.

Either they don't use HD Cameras in Lisbon or some done Fucked up with their upload. HA. Both a legitimate possibility.

Everyone should just stop complaining about movies that are not being paid for by you. If you think that these types of movies need to stop, then stop spending money on them and don't see them. To all the people complaining that this introduces to many aspects to the character or something, in retrospect, doesn't

This Officer is got it going on. First to the pull Gun and running. Those are instincts you cannot teach!

But thats the best part about it! knowing that you could potentially face plant on a tourists face is half the fun!

This made me Laugh...Nice rebuttal!

or should I say not Helvetica!

It is actually in Myriad Pro. Not Arial. Arial is a Microsoft Typeface.