Man, Gwyneth and J.K. should have a can’t-shut-the-fuck-up off. Not sure which one is misjudging the moment more.
Samira Nasr is a breath of fresh air. She’s effortlessly elegant with an insouciance that makes Wintour look clunky and artificial in her wake.
Probably an unpopular question, but one I have nonetheless:
Yep, she needed the ability to keep him away from her for a period of time and him locked up currently is her out. If she left him any other time, he could track her down with a callout on her license and such.
The real victim is 100% George Floyd.
We’ll likely never know, but my assumption was that if he’s this abusive in public he’s almost certainly abusive at home. Possibly she’s taking this opportunity while he’s in custody to start proceedings while he’s unable to physically retaliate.
This all took place at Miramax before Disney bought it, but in acquiring Miramax, Disney acquired their liabilities and legacy.
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
I usually find Chrissy Tiegen fairly annoying and even in this her “poor me” act was a bit much. But, man, Alison Roman came off so poorly especially in her responses on Twitter.
The Alison thing is such an unforced error on her part. The interviewer did not bring up Chrissy or Marie Kondo. The interviewer did bring up goop and Alison was like, nah, I’m reaching for these two Asian women to shit on instead. Mean girl and cool girl (TM) vibes all rolled into one.
the genetically modified raccoon sidekick in Guardians of the Galaxy
Pretty furious that there are still people saying that the woman was in the wrong for that seat incident. First of all, she did have a disability (fused neck), but besides that, she paid for and selected a seat that reclines. She’s allowed to use it, full stop. If you’re mad, be mad at the airline that keeps squeezing…
BBC reports that Nair had tried to crowdfund Waligwa’s medical treatment in India, after Ugandan doctors said they lacked the equipment necessary to eradicate her brain tumor.
Did everyone also miss the fact that Taika Waititi, who directed the movie and played imaginary Hitler, is half Jewish. Most of Hollywood may be trash but I trust Taika Waititi.
My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.
JoJo Rabbit isn’t trying to make you laugh along with Nazis. It illustrates how absurd the beliefs about the Jews were, how propaganda can influence even children, and how we must never stop fighting fascism.
my takeaway was definitely different.