
Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

Oh that’s great! Very much appreciated Jia!

It’s....well, let’s be honest. It’s a pretty white people thing to do.

I saw on Twitter someone posted (paraphrased), “saying ‘save the rainforests’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘fuck all other forests,’” which I appreciated as an analogy for all this “all lives matter” nonsense.

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

If MLK was alive today, he would be the face of the TEA Party!

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

Oh my fucking god, if these people can remove race from MLK’S LEGACY, they are truly out of their minds. It’s actually hilarious. (Not funny, but hilarious.)

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

I disagree. I think that self-identifying as a member of a group that you are not actually a part of makes it that much harder for members of the group to work to reduce stigma associated with being members of the group.

Body dysmorphia sucks, but insisting to other people that you’re fat when you’re not actively harms people who are actually fat. This is Rachel Dolezal-level shit, and it needs to stop.

Oh, Jesus. So when ESPN retaliates and finds someone at Amazon willing to be bought, are we all going to know what kind of sex toys Deadspin employees prefer?

Pony by Ginuwine *giggles*

I mentioned this while were editing this post (and I’ll add what I can find to the appropriate playlists!), but the entire genre of downtempo and trip-hop is more or less sex music, and as someone who used to be a DJ I can’t tell you how serious I am about this even as I have a huge grin on my face. :D A couple of

I experienced a similar situation as an assistant editor of a fledgling health-through-martial-arts magazine in the 90s. When I was piped aboard, I was told that every issue has a centerfold celebrating female martial artists. Looking through the magazine back issues, I noticed that each female martial artist

They can’t tell the distinction between those two completely different situations because they’re blind to women’s agency. You don’t worry what an object thinks about its state of being because it is there for you to look at.

never mind that the website was the entire reason they’d gotten in contact with me,

Excellent article. It reminds me of the uproar last year when Jennifer Lawrence DARED to tastefully go nude for a Vanity Fair cover story following the release of her stolen photos on Reddit. Soooo many male commenters couldn’t understand how she could speak out against the invasive nature of the hacked pictures and

Good for you, Caitlin! And good on Jezebel for continuing to give you a platform to speak out in your own words.

Now playing

But Lindy, how could you leave out the best song?