
I really want to watch this sitcom. Meet Ralph, SVP of Control Panel Development.


Using his own logic against him, then if he is not a billionaire in the next 10 years, it’s his own fault. Seeing as it was so easy for him to increase his net worth by 1,000 times, he should be able to easily do it all over again.

FWIW, that wax ring looks pretty thick, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a newer toilet. If you’re stealing appliances, you’ve got at least 2 guys, so uninstalling a toilet could be done in 90 seconds. If it’s a nice toilet, you could resell for $200 maybe. So the cost benefit makes sense. I realize I’m defending

Horse conditioner? On my hair? I vote Neigh.

Luckily for me the Echo officially launched in Canada today and I received mine yesterday. I just told Alexa to set me a reminder to revisit this thread in 5 years haha.

No one informed me that jean shorts were out of style until about a decade ago when I was 25. My group at work had an outing to an afternoon baseball game. I changed from my office clothes into my shorts and a t-shirt. One of my friends at worked said “Are you honestly wearing jorts?”. This was the first time I had

When he decided to sell the car, he should have Cena lawsuit coming.

Man, I really look forward to reading this article in two months at my dentists office.

“You realize it’s not the buds that are doing the translating, but the app on your phone, right?”

I think I speak for all of us when I say thank fucking god.

These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out

I’m wondering if the Jeopardy producers are going to take this as a challenge and bust out the secret classified folder of categories to humble him.

this is my husband and I don’t like who he becomes when he is on Jeopardy!

It’s his double jeopardy strategy that makes him so good. I’ve never seen anyone consistently bet as big as he does on them. People are usually WAY too conservative with daily doubles and he thinks nothing of betting $5,000 or more. He’s outstanding at getting control of the board and then going hunting in the second

You’d certainly have a brak... um... deceleration advantage.

If only there were a smart home device that knows exactly what you like and can anticipate your every need.

I’m thinking orgy. What would be more exciting than doing it while a Category 5 hurricane pummels your compound?

He owns an airline. I’m sure he could have managed something.

The ending was super cathartic. But then you start asking questions like “He still killed a bunch of people. Who in their right minds would believe his story about mind swapping? He’s totally going to be arrested.” Especially since we saw how many influential white people were part of the auction.