
The thing is, we should understand by now that you can make the argument that almost any woman is a feminist. I'm not saying that said person would or wouldn't be one, but an argument can be made. (See what Sundaram did.)

Sure. I'm with you on the body-snarking. That stuff is ridiculous and irrelevant, as always.

You and me both, sir. You and me both.

So if you were being discreet about it and got caught, would you take a ride on the money train and try to collect at each stop, or would you just be the dude who was having relations with the powerful woman?

Can't we all agree that it is a bizarre jump — even if we understand the context and the way things work in contemporary America — to go from "I'm appalled at and feel taken advantage of by a congressman who sent me pictures of his penis. We also had phone sex." to "Yay! The NYP is taking pictures of me in my bathing

Here's a question: if you had the opportunity to get rich for doing absolutely nothing, would you do it? Suppose you saw your income, job opportunities capped and were presented with a politician penile surprise, would you be tempted, now that you know there's a path to some cash, to take the money?

Put another way, if Anthony Weiner will sell out his privacy for a little phone sex with a complete stranger, why would you trust Mayor Anthony Weiner, despite his vociferous rejection of THINGS AND STUFF as a congressman, to not sell New York City back to the Native Americans for a few phone conversations with a lady

I can tolerate a lot of awful things, but this woman is intolerable in so many ways.

Steven Gerrard: "So I can still say 'You're a gay!' to someone and then beat them up at McDonald's late at night? Got it."

This shit is like prosecutions for crimes against humanity. You can bet that there are more than four people complicit for the shit that went down at Penn State. But, you know, give the people the show they want.

This discussion is starting off at the wrong place. The first question we need to ask is: What would our forefathers have thought? The foreskin of our forefathers need to guide us on this issue.

"This here, no, it is not a pile of poop; it is a revolutionary, Mediterranean exfoliating cream harvested from the anuses of Greek men. Dare I say, it is a movement."

I'd agree with that. But if both Cherundolo and Chandler are healthy, that should be it. Even at his age, prior to injury, Cherundolo was in great form. Assuming he comes back and can get in form (and sure that's an if), Brad Evans is probably on the outside looking in.

Was just about to write what you said. When I was in 8th grade, I had a ton of random factual knowledge, largely due to two things: 1) this thing called studying, which I no longer do, and 2) rote memorizing, another thing I no longer do.

I fixed that in a subsequent comment. Cherundolo is a right back, always has been. Fabian Johnson is going to be the starting left back; he can play balls in with both feet.

Honestly, no one is particularly fearful of England these days. Teams should be overjoyed to land them in the group stage.

Brad Evans? Oh noes. Fabian Johnson left back, Cherundolo (or Chandler) at right back. Beasley to back up Fabian, assuming the captain love Klinsmann gave him. So with a 23-man roster, there's no need to go three deep at fullback, which means Brad Evans go bye-bye.

No way in hell Beasley keeps that position over a healthy Cherundolo.

You are absolutely right. And his balance with Beckerman was also noteworthy. Beckerman doesn't always find the right balance with MFs on the national team, but the midfield performance vs Panama worked after Mix came on.

I don't get freaked out often, but is it wrong that I'm terrified of this thing? I feel like it's going to attack at any moment.