
Haha. I know that was your point, and I was just pointing out that it is a bizarre, but common, default point. However, it makes sense to some extent. Infidelity and childbirth can cause pretty severe self-esteem issues. Saying that someone is beautiful — whether you believe it or not — can be confidence building, to

This comment (she is beautiful) is on every post that has to do with infidelity or childbirth. I find that interesting. Largely because her looks shouldn't matter. Un-gorgeous women don't deserve to be treated like this, either. Ditto for un-handsome men. Her gorgeousness has nothing to do with the fact that her

Dude in cubicle waived several times, in a "Hi mom!" manner. He was ruining a moment.

*claps, nods solemnly* You got it. Consenting, though. That's important.

I think you misspelled "best."

*claps slowly, not just for the play on pussy, but also for accuracy*

"Poor kittens?" Excuse me? I reject the notion that all penises are evil appendages that can never be near kittens. You, friend, are attributing the characteristics of Anthony's Weiner to all wieners.

And all of a sudden, we have another Tumblr idea. Now that's how collaboration works, folks.

However, if your dick is neatly tucked in between two adorable kittens, then yes. Because kittens make everything ok.

Sorry about that.

Yes. Fear not.

His poor wife. She has to re-live this shit over and over again.

I have a theory on old people and Fox News and dog whistles.

Number of fucks given should be an official measurement.

That was a rare, challenging read.

We should all be cheering the fact that Kate's magic vag didn't produce a girl baby. I think we can all appreciate not putting another crying baby in the woods. The woods are already crowded with all the Chinese babies from the one child policy and all of the theoretical babies in Texas being murdered, because, as I

This is too easy. Pass.

Yes. But not into Michelle Bachmann's husband.

*covers virgin ears*

Gay two dollar bills are ruining the economy. I mean what next, letting them marry?