

True that. I added that to someone else's response. I should have made that distinction clear.

I see your point. The numbers of the depraved are static. I do wonder, however, if there would have been a noticeable bumb in anti-sexual assault technology if more straight-men's buttholes were vulnerable. For much of modern history, technological innovation has been driven by straight-seeming men. I mean the

Or have I? *winks and sparkle makes a DING! sound*

I'm approaching this in regard to prevention rather than blame. In reality, rape is most certainly something that can be tied to placing one's self in a vulnerable position by drinking too much. Should that be the case? Of course not. Is the drinking too much to blame? Of course not. I'm not saying that a woman is to

Right. That's relevant. Because, as a man, you often worry that your night of heavy drinking is going to end up with you getting murdered. All those stories from college. You know, the ones about how at the end of a drunken, hazy semester, a not-insignificant number of dudes stumbled home from parties to get murdered.

Good point. I actually thought about that as I typed my initial response. I should have added: from a straight-male perspective. I understand that gay men face a different reality with different vulnerabilities than most straight men.

I'm not so sure. The reason I say that is because law enforcement/legislating has largely been a male endeavor. I do think that men would have historically taken a much stricter approach to sexual assault if they found themselves to be as generally vulnerable as women have historically been.

That's what I got, might I add, from very loving parents. "Don't mistake our love for being apologists for your stupidity. Treat you like a responsible adult? Act like one. If you choose not to, we'll treat you accordingly."

Yup. The responsible response if more information is needed is to say, "We're still learning about what happened." But if it turns out that such an abuse of power occurred, sorry, but that's your bed to lie in. You're an adult; accept your adult penalty and expect the amount of sympathy you showed towards the woman

I try to defuse the tension by never wearing an open-front suit jacket to work anymore. I wear a cape and a full bear costume. I want everyone to be able to focus on work and not my manliness.

Which will be subject to the death penalty.

It's during times like this when I hate parents. I don't believe in unconditional support of this variety. If my son was ever involved in this type of behavior, my soap box would sit there holding the soap.

I'm surprised it wasn't "DC Woman Oddly Decides to Spend NYE in Parking Lot Without Car." The WT is a terrible newspaper.

I wonder how the world would be different if rape was a very real consequence of men drinking too much.

Wait, are we still having conversations about what women are wearing?

I wish people just realized that it's ok to sex. And when you let yourself be ok with it, it's so much fun. No lists needed, no dishonesty needed, no jealousy needed, just enjoying being present and sexual and curious with someone. And, anyway, practice, I believe, ultimately can make you a better partner for a

4? I know plenty of people who have done that in a fortnight. Self included. I think once you start fucking because it's enjoyable, you're not really worried about numbers, unless you're the type who is fucking to prove something.

You fuck farm animals?