
This is the funniest thing I've seen all day, maybe all week. I bet his song selection is what seals the deal and lands him a spot at Morehouse.

This is a complete side note to the topic at hand (rape), but has to do with your falsely accused comment. Most sophisticated conversations about the death penalty involve conversations about the falsely accused. The Innocence Project(s) exist because of false accusations. So that last point that you made is off. When



Old dudes get boners, too. Well, some old dudes. And others have to act like Brent Musburger to act like they still get boners. The only thing he didn't add was, "I'd totally bone her."

True. You probably couldn't. Articulating is complicated.

I don't see anyone who covered it.

Maybe I'm not familiar with the definition of marital rape. If I say, I don't feel like having sex, and my lady starts mounting me and then, etc., does that qualify? Does not really wanting to have sex, but saying, "Fine, go ahead, stick it in," amount to marital rape?

Whoa. Slow down. I wasn't suggesting that there's a need to discuss the two simultaneously or even remotely with the same consistency. As a matter of fact, I was just saying that they are very different conversations.


I feel like Answer #2 should come with a Whitney Houston club remix: Your Hole is Our Hole.

Go on. I'd like to hear your "so much wrong" thoughts on answer 2.

Isn't it possible to say, Jesus, the rape numbers are appalling, and sure, false accusations ruining someone's life are also a travesty? I see no reason why it has to be a balanced equation. They are two separate points. But I do see the nonsense in looking at the graphic and ignoring and slighting the horror

They do. For sure. But people dismiss a whole lot of things very easily. How many women have been gang raped before this tragic story? Remember Haiti? The world was devastated for all of a couple weeks. KONY, Tsunamis, blood diamonds, kidnappings. Don't forget that giving a shit sometimes interferes with Snooki

UGH. Lord, give me the strength ...

He's a stranger. He didn't KNOW anything about him. Most importantly, he didn't know how this person would react when he realized he wasn't meeting a girl. Please tell me how you know in advance that a person isn't violent? And if you can answer this, you should be building your company and working on licensing deals

We humans are so silly. For decades, no one gave a shit about where there shiny rocks came from. We just knew that people desperately wanted them to wear on fingers, and men had to save money/steal/go in debt/be rich to buy them. They're diamonds. DIAMONDS! Shiny and stuff.

Quite so fast.

You are very welcome. And thank you, too. It feels nice to be on the same page as others.

I'll be the first to inform you that it isn't THE MLS; it's MLS. This little nugget will save you some pain later. And you'll sound like you know what you're talking about.