
Not the point. The point is whether shaming alters a deeper-seeded belief/-ism. You think nice guys who are really pigs are unaware that they are pigs? I could be wrong but somehow I doubt it. The No Fat Bitches guy isn't just in need of the right conversation or to be shamed properly to fix his feelings. IMO, of

Agree with all. But there is also a difference between telling them how to scrub their profiles (which does nothing to deal with the underlying anger) and having them deal with their underlying frustration. If you're an adult and write No Fat Chicks, you need more help than profile writing, simply because you can't

Ha. Yes, I've dealt with several Nice Girls, but not for very long. Either they're full of shit OR I'm not interested in being with someone who is nice all the time. "Can you call me out on my shit? PLEASE?! Just once." And I can't stand the wide-eyed "I'm more interested in your story that you know isn't interesting"

It's a question for the women. How many woman have been niced into sex (as in, he held so many doors open and told me I smelled nice and loved romantic comedies that I dropped my pants)? I imagine far fewer than women who have been seduced by someone being interesting and decent enough. The nice guy will help her move

Maybe there are several lessons here. 1) These guys are assclowns. 2) Don't take anybody at their word on the internet (and often in real life).

I thought the sexual violence stat number was higher, actually.

You realize, Barry, that there's nowhere to go from the "Mario Balotelli is doing stuff" article. Although I am wondering whether he had a sandwich.

Yep. I think you win. And then Hugo swooped in to attach some meaning. I'm not sure I found much.

Out of curiosity, what are common man mistreatment complaints? Not getting attention/laid/taking advantage of their niceness and not "putting out"?

You sound like me. "Oh, you're nice. What do you want for that?" Being a caricature of a nice person in order to procure a serving of vagina is a silly idea. Be nice because you're nice. But also cultivate your interesting — not for her; but for you. It works out. And then you find yourself happier because you aren't

Oh, sure. I agree that people like this are a problem. But maybe because they aren't in my dating pool, I don't pay attention to them. I don't know people like this, or at least people who express themselves like that publicly. I suppose if I did, I'd chuckle and say, "Yeah, good luck with that attitude.

That's a good point. I didn't think about it that way.

You're completely right. I feel like a lot of the anger/frustration for people like this is a long time coming. Many ostracized at a young age because of being different, and that bubbling rage starts mixing with the rage associated with rejection or a complete lack of self-confidence because they're rejecting

I'm not sure I get this at all. So this is project save the misogynist? I have no empirical evidence to support a statement, so I'll just ask a question. Do people think this backward "woman owe me, man, sex" attitude is representative of the majority of men? Or are we digging around the edges to find repugnant

I hear this "bastardizing religion" point a lot. The religion isn't bad or hateful; it's bad or hateful people co-opting the religion for their ends. E.g., the suicide bomber example.

I'm saying I'd put money on me being right. But it's not written anywhere that you have to believe me. Really, it's ok. You don't have to. And yes, I could be wrong.

Now playing

Maybe not the best example, but check the end of this old Roots video w/ ?uestlove and Black Thought where ?uest just starts giving topics.

There's video of Kanye freestyling out there. It ain't very good. The good news is that he can make a hell of a beat, and can put together some rhymes on paper that sound great on those beats.

You're response: 7/10. Unfortunately, it doesn't rhyme.

Part of me really thinks that it's the men who have to speak to the men. There's a lot of dog whistle out there that implicitly condones this type of behavior/"humor" in young male culture that's cultivated by older men. And it's everywhere. In our commercials/print ads/music. Sadly, our society has the infrastructure