
I don't do pluses. I'm just following you around to the different tees to laugh maniacally at Samer-be-young jokes. Carry on.

Bow, dammit.

GOP Offers Women an Olive Branch; Ask Them to Make Martinis - Dirty Ones.

From time to time, I have gotten into conversations about fantasizing about others. With some detail. And I'm not threatened by it. In fact, I chuckle. And the conversation goes both ways. And the reason that conversation works in my life is because of a comfort and a lack of hysteria on either of our parts about

That's great. And we'll always have problems. I always say that two people living together for a long period of time will always have issues. It doesn't necessarily even have to do with being a couple. It could be same-sex roommates. Sharing space inherently involves conflict. How you deal with it is what counts.

My man, life is really long. And at 20, you haven't even started peeling back the layers. Don't buy things just because other things are buying. I'd also add: this is that time in your life to concentrate on what you want. Focus on you, enjoy what comes, be honest, be a good dude, and things definitely get more

Shaquille O'Neal is really Eddie Murphy. I know.

I think you're doing it exactly right!

I'm in your boat. But from what I've both experienced and noticed, it's not a common thing. But when it is there, it's amazing.

Wrong. Once again. You're good at this. Who said uncontrollable? I said urges. Everything we do is controllable. I'm saying that communicating about current and changing urges — whether male or female urges — over the course of a long relationship isn't a common theme in this history you speak of. Perhaps you can go

Well, my point is to think about ways to change that construction. Or are we not capable? You know, since it's a millennia old construction and all. I don't know, maybe people could learn to communicate differently about topics that have been taboo in relationships for, I don't know, millennia? Or we could do the

"Just in case you're wondering" is a wonderfully snarky way to point that out. The assumption being that since I didn't write from a woman's point of view, that I had to mean that you, as a woman, don't have a perspective or an ability to feel the same way.

I'm with you, D-Nice. So my question then becomes, if we know monogamy is hard for everyone, and we can admit that these are very human impulses, what can we do to have conversations in our real relationships about reality? Unfortunately, articles that vilify the male urge to have sex don't do anything productive. In

No. Clearly that's what you want me to say, so you have give me your little pre-packaged retort. Just had to cheat. Needs to cheat. Yes. You've got it.

Can't someone just talk about their perspective on here without people trying to equate everything? No one said women don't have desires for other people, even though we know you're all machines. Why don't you try to stay on topic. Or is this where I'm supposed to say, "BUT ASIANS AND BLACK AND VULCAN PEOPLE HAVE

Hehe. The infidelity numbers are outrageous though, no? I no longer feel comfortable with the assertion that most of them don't do it. Many, sure. And of those who don't, I wonder how many don't simply because they don't have the opportunity or can't.

I completely agree. Agree that as long as there is no intent to hurt the other person, everything is on the table. I find that it turns into so much of a more fulfilling relationship. And being able to challenge the other person (respectfully) is important, too. I've found that I've acted in ways, at times, that

Sorry, I never said that men acting in a loving way toward their partners ALWAYS means that they are just being smart and trying to keep their partners happy. My point is that some to many do. I've seen it, and I'm sure you've seen it, too. But go ahead and act like I was saying that no men value companionship and

Look. If you're happy; enjoy happy. I say this just because I've seen too many friends get blindsided by well-intentioned disingenuousness. I think part of the issue, though, is when people start referring to "how we feel." Because often, especially when it comes to sexuality and libido — and this is just from my

Nope. I'm just saying that perhaps the downside of enlightened public behavior by men (not all, of course), is a repression of real impulse and desire, which I think in the long term can be quite problematic. I'm also saying that a progressive exterior isn't always a fantastic measure of the interior; it just might