Jee oto ta Huttuk koga

Heavens... I'll... I'll be in my bunk. 

I thought the Eagle might be Bill Nye. Alas. 

This is really stupid, but the phrase that has colored my thinking for decades is from the original “Ghostbusters.” Venkman says, “You’re right, no human being would stack books like this." I hear that in my head every time someone makes a wild claim about...anything. Aliens building the pyramids? Conspiracy theories?

You're in luck. It's close to the entrance. 

If she’s a “good girl,” she is going to have her reputation ruined because she got pregnant. If she’s a “bad girl,” she’s just as ruined because she got pregnant. That’s a commentary on how an unmarried young woman can’t win no matter what. Just getting pregnant makes society judge and jury, even if she keeps a baby. 

My coworker's church does that too. I've been expanding my knitting skills, so I give her my hats with all the weird cables and beads and stuff. 

Why does Thomas Wayne have a sister? I don't know, but I bet she's already been fitted for a fridge. 

Sebastian Stan can come see me. I guarantee I'll remember him. 

Forensic psychologists say they do. 

This. I worked with a guy who had a rather unfortunate appearance... Tubby with a head like a blunt thumb and eyes and nose like a pig. BUT he was a delightful person. Funny, smart and motivated, like someone who had to develop a personality in lieu of looks. He had no problems with women! Hell, if I had been 15 years

*le sigh* Some of us are here fighting the good fight instead of running away. I know I just love being called a whiny asshole.

Dany’s unborn son with Khal Drogo was repeatedly referred to in the books as "the stallion who mounts the world." Drogon 2020.

And Huntsville. Madison county was an island of blue in a sea of red in 2016.

“Moore—a fundamentalist bigot who would have been be a horrific senator even if his personal life was spotless”

Years ago, I had the flu. My (ex) husband had the flu. Our 3-year-old had the flu. I got up to make the kid some canned soup because I was too sick to really cook anything. The ex got mad at me because I didn’t think to make any for him. Maybe he had worse flu than I did. Maybe he was just an asshole.

I want you to know that I have been waiting for a very long time to cast a vote against Roy Moore. I don’t care who he’s running against. That assclown has been high on my “hell no” forever.

“I don’t play that game, nor do I care to.”

Maybe “liason?”

I work with a pediatrician who is a very uptight christian conservative, but has done a mind-boggling amount of independent research into vaccines and autism. Seriously, if *this* guy is sure that there is no relationship, you can take it to the bank.

There’s reasons why an old, menopausal woman might be bitter. Being told her whole life that she’s an incubator is one. A lot of us are pro-choice.