
This leads us to one Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

We’re adults here, we expect you to drawbridge your own conclusions.

Fun story - back when I was playing football we had an amazing O-Line. Two of the linemen went pro (I was not one of them). Our QB one day decided to yell at the 330lb future pro and call him a lazy fat fuck because the QB had fucked up his hand-off (QB took 3 steps instead of 2) and he was sacked by the other team’s

Question: as a fan, what would have been an acceptable percentage of tipping pitches? 10%? 15%? 20%?

Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.

Wait, does he look exactly like he sounds? Dear comment reader, you know he does.

Same.  Why be a good person?  Because it’s what the world NEEDS right now.  That’s why.

I know you’re just teasing him, but Elway has proven time and again that he’s the glue that holds this team together. 

Agreed, these are fascinating looks into a side of the NFL that we only catch passing glimpses of- too much of it is cloaked beyond cliche sound bites and Belechick-isms. Seeing how it really works from an on-the-field perspective, unfiltered like this, is incredibly rare and interesting.

There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my

Now playing

The team’s Twitter account actually changed their name to the Kardinals after Kingsbury was signed

The PGA is a sporting concern whose most prestigious tournament takes place at a club that had no black members until 1990

I’m sure watching it on grass makes the experience even better.

So... I guess he’s not all that Incognito.

Oh, it turns out the doctor was his mother, and the reason she couldn’t operate was she had puked and pissed on herself.

Her opinions were about baseball, not football. So, they were like Lennay Kekua: nonexistent.

Fuck you, The Economist. This is what obituaries are supposed to be like.

My favorite magician is Dorothy Dietrich.

In the meantime, Louisville will shell out $100,000 per month to interim athletic director Vince Tyra

Tebow, by contrast, looks exactly like someone who learned how to hit by looking really intensely at a pile of baseball cards and working backwards from there.