The Aztek was the perfect automotive example of a high-school student’s “last minute panic” homework assignment. Good idea in theory, terrible execution.
He was technically released not for the violence, but for lying about it to the Chiefs organization. Whether that was a cop-out or not on behalf of the Chiefs, well, ya, it probably was.
Your point is valid that if the victim was a male it wouldn’t have been so blown up of a story. However, violence is still violence,…
You completely missed his point. Entirely. Reread it. His point is that California uses printed ballots (i.e., slow) yet still has its counts in before the East Coast.
Washington also uses paper ballots. If you can fill out a scantron you can vote.
No hanging chads, no software to be hacked, no bullshit software to…
Uh, salary cap? Anyone? Nope? We are just ignoring that it exists? Gotcha.
So, are we conveniently ignoring the salary cap? Is that a thing now? This isn’t MLB. The owner can’t just give him more money.
And in case you forgot, the Salary cap is an agreement by the players union and ownership.
Turn in your license.
To be fair, it doesn’t fucking matter that one can’t see shit out of those cars. If you can’t drive it responsibly and safely, don’t fucking drive it.
Actually, I’m hoping he pulls this shit in from of a tractor trailer and the truck makes him his bitch.
Nope, he’s a fucking douche, and so are you for thinking him sticking around makes up for being a fuckhead douche.
Leach is not the highest paid public employee in Washington. That status is held by Washington coach Chris Petersen.
I see them all over the place in neighborhoods. Most of them are not in lawns or the middle of sidewalks. And when they do end up in those places, everyone but a frail centenarian has the ability to upright the bike and move it two feet over.
The components don’t really bolt on to other bikes. Unless you’re homeless and need a free method of transportation, there really isn’t an incentive to stealing them for parts. They also have a GPS tracker so as long as it’s intact, the company can find the bike.
Those beater bikes will be there when you leave a ball game. Your commuter bike will be long gone. Have fun riding one of the beater bikes home!
These serve a different purpose. You can pick one up on the whim, without planning ahead, and are able to dump them anywhere without needing to plan ahead on where you are going to lock it up. You also don’t have to worry about your bike, or parts of it, being stolen or vandalized.
Further, the docked ride-share bikes were fucking useless. They were horrendously expensive and you had to pick them up and drop them off in set areas. This meant you had to actively seek out a pick up rack, and then actively find a drop-off rack. They are never where you want to go and as such have to account for it.…
I work in downtown Seattle. These bikes aren’t being left in the middle of the sidewalk. Our sidewalks are massive. The downtown sidewalks have trees, signs, lightposts, newpaper bins, trash cans, A-frame signs and windmaster signs, etc on them, and those items aren’t in the walking path. These ride share bikes share…
Nope. It just makes you look like a freak for not following protocol. People aren’t intimidated, they simply harbor despise for your weird soul.
Huh? What’s wrong with a headboard or footboard? Do you enter/exit the bed from the head or foot of the bed like a freak of nature?