Hurting Now

A ridiculous overreaction? By the click-hungry media press? I’m SHOCKED!

Ah, I see that you're unfamiliar with Gawker and Deadspin.

It allows rich people to feel separate from regular plebs?  Iunno. 

I love it! It’s like a PING PONG ball!

You should use cricket pitch lengths just to piss them off.

I’m hereby creating the slang word “fitler” to mean a stubborn oil filter, someone who over-tightens an oil filter, or the act of over-tightening an oil filter.


1. Dude, this thing won’t budge. It’s being a fitler.
2. Looks like the previous owner was a fitler. This thing won’t budge.
3. Dude, the lube shop guy

Or, you know, you could use a free alternative, like Google Docs or LibreOffice.”

Say what you will about modern safety regulations making cars bigger and heavier, but you can’t deny how impressive it is for a car to roll nearly 30 stories down a hill and still have the passenger compartment intact.

And there you have it. A sequel with the original folks involved vs. a reboot.

It’s not anarchy, it’s just exposing how nonsensical and irrational the market truly is. People like to say that markets are rational. They aren’t. Markets are driven by people, and people by emotion (and logic which is often poisoned by emotion).

All of this is exactly why I think the stock market is terrible. It’s an absolutely massive industry that exists solely as a sort of side-effect of our rigid capitalist society. It’s essentially gambling, but with businesses instead of games or sports, and it can be manipulated by the most random, stupid things.

Glad to see someone properly respects their Laphroaig.

Yeah, why do I keep reading about the eye thing when it was about choking?

However, before it was released to the public, the toy was recalled for fear that kids would shoot themselves in the eye with the projectile, creating a safety hazard.

Magic 8 Ball says “Maybe

Peter Cullen, The Overserious Alicorn* needs to be in all the things.

I think the ultra-crisp look they’ve got going on is going to take some getting used to.


In 20 years of building my own PCs. All of it with this style of CPU (Intel used to use it as well). This has never once happened to me. Or anyone I’ve met in real life. Cause if you calm your shit and don’t force things, it won’t happen.

An important detail is that that “lock” is not a lock. It’s a “tensioner” or

It’s Star Wars, man.